The Question of Changing the Global Matrix in Russia and in the World
Post-industrial world, about 250 years old. We have been counting since the release of the first volume of the French encyclopedia, which made it possible to see 3,000 new technologies …
"The experience of Narration about Russia" (originally called: "The Experience of a wise and political narration about the Russian state") - the work of Ivan Perfilevich Elagin (1725-1793/4), a poet and writer of the XVIII century, who at one time served a …
The important role of the druzhina institute in the development of feudal relations in Russia is noted by almost all researchers. In the works of B. D. Grekov, S. V. Yushkov, V. V. Mavrodin, B. A. Romanov, B. A. Rybakov, the position and social function of …
Moscow, Nauka Publ. 1983, 416 p.
"An amazing case! - there are no large monographs or books devoted to any of the outstanding historians of pre-revolutionary Russia yet. There is information about writers, but not about historians. There are no such works …
Аладьев Виктор Захарович – Президент Балтийского отделения Международной Академии Ноосферы, профессор, доктор физико–математических наук. Родился 14 июня 1942 года в г. Гродно (Западная Беларусь). В 1959 г. поступил на первый курс физико–математического факультета Гродненского университета, а в 196…
The values of the normal-component spin observables, Ay, P and, DNN supplemented here with the double-scattering spin (polarization) transfer coefficients Dij in the (p,p’) reactions. Measurements with the polarized beam, normal to the scattering plane, usually provide the cross-section dϭ/dΩ (θ), …
The Chapter consists of two sections. The first section (in Russian) is devoted to theoretical studies of proton spin observables in reactions. The second section (in English) deals with experimental measurements and potential combinations of polarization transfer coefficients. Different types of DW…
The proposed lecture courses will consist of five chapters followed by supplements. Part of the lecture material will be presented in Russian, and the other part in English. Short publications with the participation of the author will be added to the supplements. The list contents will be given at t…
The book presents on its pages one of the sides of the history of the Moldovan and Romanian army over the years, in the form of military uniforms.
The appearance of the uniform changed several times under Russian, French, Manes and French influence, under which the army developed in accordance with …
A peacemaker is one who feeds a crocodile in the hope that it will be the last to eat it." Winston Churchill
Europe has gone through many wars in its long history. Humanity did not learn lessons from previous wars and stubbornly moved towards self-destruction. European wars gradually developed into …
By adopting a new doctrine of nuclear weapons, the United States is imposing on other countries the idea of the illusion of a limited nuclear war. To conduct a limited nuclear war, a decision was made to create, in addition to the existing arsenals of nuclear charges, to develop and add low-yield nu…
The book is dedicated to the pages of the history of the Crimea and Sevastopol. The events and battles taking place on the territory of the Crimea in different historical periods are described. Terrible and glorious pages were inscribed in the history of the Russian and Red Army during the defense o…
“One of the main conditions for the well-being of the state at all timeswas a reliable guarantee of national security.A. Lukashenko
«Одним из основных условий благополучия государства во все времена являлось надежное обеспечение национальной безопасности». А. Лукашенко
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