Libmonster ID: U.S.-368

T. F. KRAVCHENKO. Forms of Replenishment of the Kirghiz Working Class Under the Pre-war Five-Year Plans.

The author discusses the emergence and consolidation of the Kirghiz working class and its replenishment with members of other classes and social groups, the Central Asian pattern of territorial and branch redistribution of the workforce, and the role of the RSFSR and other Union Republics in the formation of this multi-national detachment of the Soviet working class.

A. P. NOVOSELTSEV. Soviet Historiography of the Middle Ages in the Transcaucasus.

The author points to some achievements in the study and publication of historical sources, underlining, at the same time, lack of coordination among Transcaucasian students of the Middle Ages. He also touches upon some controversial problems of the history of this period.

N: V. ROMANOVSKY. Richard Pipes-a Professional Anti-Sovieteer.

The most malicious anti-Sovieteers and anti-Communists have recently become more active among Sovietologists and in the imperialist countries generally. One of them, Richard Pipes, a specialist on Russian history, now holds a post in the US Administration. This article analyses his work, showing that anti-Sovietism is increasingly becoming its dominant feature, and its politically-motivated aggressive, in many ways irrational, character, which accords with the policies of Washington.

M. V. DEMIKHOVSKY. American Modern Historiography on US Indian Policy.

The author analyses works by US historians on the policy towards red Indians, published in the USA in the 1970s and singles out major historiographic trends. Contemporary bourgeois historians who were obliged to revise some formerly dominating, openly apologetic views now strive, by diverse manoeuvres, to whitewash the policy of depriving the Indians of their lands, destroying their culture and communal-tribe system, and their physical extermination.

V. A. KHRULEVA. Israeli Policy on the Occupied Arab Territories .

The author takes as her subject the political and economic aspects of Israel's policy on the Arab territories seized in 1967 (the Ghaza Strip, West Bank, Golan Heights), dwells on Israeli colonisation of these territories, the military regime maintained there and measures aimed at economic subordination of these territories to Israel's economic interests and needs. This activity, the author demonstrates, is part of the Israeli leaders' plan to consolidate their positions in this region thus hampering the creation of an independent Palestine State, which would make for a just settlement of the Middle East crisis.

стр. 190


"Problems of History", No. 3, 1982

Articles: T. F. Kravchenko . Forms of Replenishment of the Kirghiz Working Class Under the Pre-war Five-Year Plans; A. P. Novoseltsev . Soviet Historiography of the Middle Ages in the Transcaucasus; N. V. Romanovsky . Richard Pipes-a Professional Anti-Sovieteer; M. V. Demikhovsky . American Modern Historiography on the US Indian Policy; V. A. Khruleva. Israeli Policy on the Occupied Arab Territories. Historical Essays: V. S. Dyakin . Crisis of the Russian Ruling Circles on the Eve of the 1917 February Revolution; L. P. Charnotskaya . The Role of Flax in History; E. A. Ivanyan. Political Terror as an Indispensable Part of the American Way of Life. Historical Science in the USSR and Abroad . Surveys: I. A. Popov . Lenin's Contacts with American Cultural Personalities; L. V. Shishkina . British and American Bourgeois Historiography on the Foreign Volunteers Who Fought for the Gains of the Great October Revolution. Book Reviews : Mass Sources on the Socio-Economic History of Soviet Society; Mass Sources on the Russian Socio-Economic History of the Capitalist Period; F. Ryzhenko. December 1905; Soviet-Cuban Relations. 1917 - 1977; B. D. Kozenko. The "New Democracy" and War. US Domestic Policy (1914 - 1917); V. N. Nikiforov. The First Chinese Revolutionaries; L. S. Chikolini. Social Utopias in Italy (16th-Early 17th Centuries); G. Chernyavsky, D. Michev. The Soviet Public and the Bulgarian Revolutionary Movement. 1923 - 1944 (Sofia); J. Husar. Revolutionary Symbols (Bratislava) and others. Facts, Events, People. Articles, in Soviet and Foreign Historical Journals. New Books in the USSR and Abroad.


de la revue "Questions d'histoire", n o 3, 1982

Articles: T. F. Kravtchenko . Sources et formes du recrutement de la classe ouvrière de la R.S.S. de Kirghizie au cours des quinquennats d'avant-guerre; A. P. Novosseltsev. Certains problèmes de l'historiographie de Transcaucasie medievale; N. V. Romanovski . Richard Pipes, professionnel de l'antisoviétisme; M. V. Démikhovski. La politique des Etats-Unis a l'égard des Indiens vue par l'historiographie americaine contemporaine; V. A. Knrouleva . La politique d'Israël sur les territoires arabes occupés. Apercus historiques: V. S. Diakine . La crise des sommets en Russie á la veille de la Révolution du fevrier; L. P. Tcharnotskaïa . Le lin dans l'histoire; E. A. Ivanian. Terreur politique, partie intégrante du mode de vie américain. La science historique en U. R. S. S. et à l'étranger. Revues: I. A. Popov. Sur les contacts de V. I. Lénine avec les hommes de culture americaine ; L. V. Chichkina . La participation des internationalistes étrangers dans la defense des conquetes de la Revolution d'Octobre vue par l'historiographie anglo-americaine bourgeoise. Comptes rendus des livres: Les sources de masse sur l'histoire economique et sociale de la societe sovietique; Les sources de masse sur l'histoire économique et sociale de la Russie de la periode du capitalisme; F. Ryjenko. Décembre 1905; Relations soviéto-cubaines. 1917 - 1977; B. D. Kozenko. La " nouvelle démocratic" et la guerre. La politique interieure des Etats-Unis (1914 - 1917); V. N. Nikiforov. Les premiers révolutionnaires chinois; L. S. Tchikolini. L'utopie sociale en Italic du XVI е - début du XVIIe siecle ; G. Tcherniavski, D. Mitchev. L'opinion publique soviétique et le mouvement revolutionnaire en Bulgarie. 1923 - 1944 (Sofia) ; J. Husar. Les symboles revolutionnaires (Bratislava) et autres. Faits, événements, hommes. Articles dans les revues historiques sovietiques et étrangères. Nouveaux livres en U.R.S.S. et à l'étranger.

стр. 191


de la revista "Cuestiones de historia" N 3, 1982

Articulos: T. F. Kravchenko . Fuentes у formas del crecimiento numérico de la clase obrera de la RSS de Kirguizia en los años de los quinquenios de pre-guerra; A. P. Novoseltsev . Algunos problemas de la historiografia de la Transcaucasia medieval; N. V. Romanovski . Richard Pipes antisovietico profesional; M. V. Demijovski . Historiografia norte-americana actual sobre la politica de los EE.UU. respecto a los indios; V. A. Jruliova . Politica de Israel en los territories arabes ocupados. Ensayos historicos: V. S. Diakin. Crisis de los de arriba en Rusia en visperas de la revolucion de Febrero; L. P. Charnotskaya. Lino en el proceso historico; E. A. Ivanian. Terror politico - parte inalienable de la via de vida norteamericana. La ciencia historica en la URSSy enelextranjero. Revistas: I. A. Popov. Contactos de V. I. Lenin con las person alidades de la cultura norteamericana; L. V. Shishkina. Participacion de los internacionalistas extranjeros en la defensa de las conquistas de Octubre vista por la historiografia burguesa anglo-norteamericana. Resenas de libros: Fuentes en materia de la historia economico-social de la sociedad sovietica; Fuentes en materia de la historia economico-social de Rusia del periodo del capitalismo; F. Rizhenko. Diciembre de 1905; Relaciones sovietico-cubanas. 1917 - 1977; B. D. Kozenko. "Nueva democracia" у la guerra. Politica interior de los ЕЕ. UU. (1914 - 1917); V. N. Nikiforov. Primeros revo-lucionarios chinos; L. S. Chicolini. La Utopia social en Italia del siglo XVI - principios del XVII; G. Cherniavski. D. Michev. Opinion publica sovietica у movimiento revolucio-nario en Bulgaria. 1923 - 1944 (Sofia); Josef Husar. Simbolos revolucionarios (Bratislava), etc. Hechos, acontecimientos, personalidades. Articulos en las Xgyistas historicas sovieticas у extranjeras. Nuevos libros en la URSS у en el extranjero.


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