Libmonster ID: U.S.-1625
Author(s) of the publication: A. N. KACHALKIN

In the XV - XVII centuries, in the headings of documents, you could find simple names-Literacy, Writing, Memory. But more often there were complex ones, i.e. with a definition (adjective): Blessed Letter, Correct Record, Messenger Memory, Borrowed Bondage, Name Painting, etc. It happens that the name is "scattered" over all parts of the document, but it is more expedient to combine these parts into a single, whole name. So, in one place the word Pokrutnaya occurs, and in another - the Entry (1703). In one part of the document we see the combination Amicable boundary, and in the other - Memory (1482). The same author called the document first Unsubscribe, and then-Cleaning (1686), or, for example, in the text part the document is called a Receipt, and in the drawing part the same document is called a Receipt, That's Decent. There are many such cases. For research purposes, we consider it useful to combine these names scattered throughout the document into a single whole and suggest calling them composite terms: Pokrutnaya record, Amicable boundary memory, Clearing unsubscribe, Order receipt.

The concepts of simple, complex, and composite document names are also necessary to avoid confusing a single document and a combination of documents for the same case. We believe that these concepts can be useful for archivists when compiling document inventories.

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Different names of the same document are quite common, and linguists could not help but pay attention to it. The opinions on this issue are unanimous: the reason for different names of one document should be seen in synonymy, caused by the fact that the language of the pre-Petrine era was not well established and in different cases, including in the names of documents, uses different lexical means.

The material we have reviewed in different areas of document flow allows us to significantly increase the number of examples that it is advisable to consider within certain groups. Different document names can be associated with different keywords in the text (usually verbs), with different amounts of content in the names, with different meanings of the document for the subject and object, and for other reasons.

Different names of the same document type are explained by different goals, circumstances that the document should reflect-hence the wide variety of documents on topics.

With the development of the activity of the office, deacons, sub-deacons and others sought to improve the documents, consolidate their main topic and at the same time convey the attitude of the document to reality.

Clerks saw in the content of the business text different words from the point of view of the main, key meaning. However, each name of the type or variety of document must correspond to the word of the text that the clerk took as the main one, leading in meaning. Most often, this is a verb in its free or phraseological use.

Let us turn to the text, where the words Choice and Love are equally used as the name: "...and all the parishioners chose me and loved me to the Church of the Birth of Christ in the priest Semyon Ivanov in the feast place of his father Semyonov, priest Ivan... in that we parishioners, nobles and children of the boyars gave him Semyon Ivanov's son Popov this by our choice and love. And izlyub wrote... Nikolayevsky Ozersk monastery of deacons Fedka Kharyukovskaya... Afonasey Bryanchaninov had a hand in this choice. Stepan Bryanchaninov had a hand in this choice" (1683). Here these two equal key verbs and from them two verbal nouns are the names of the document. Hence the variability in the name of this relatively standard text.

Similarly, the use of two different names of the document Petition and Appearance, which arose from two equal key verbs, beats with a brow and shows: "C(a)ryu g(osu)d(a) ryu and Grand Duke Fyodor Alekseevich all the great and small and white Russia autocrat beats with a brow and shows your orphan borisoglebets Mishka Pavlov with(s) N. Gorbunov, Yaroslavl uyezd, to Ivan Borisov, son of Zhakhov... that Ivan Borisov is against recording me to your orphan not from his own-

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he gives his rape and took possession in vain m(i) l(ose)rd (n)y g (osu)d (a)r c (a) r and the Grand Duke Fyodor Alekseevich all the great and small and white Russians autocrat perhaps they led me their orphan g (osu) d(a) r my petition and turnout will be recorded... "(1679).

Different or complex document names arise due to the designation of its varieties expressed by adjectives. Such adjectives are also related in meaning, and, more precisely, are generated by key verbs-the basis of the substantive part of the business document: "Se az Mikhail Dmitriev, Komaritskaya volost, Radogozhsky camp of the village of Kozminki, Saldatskaya son, with his wife Anisya Abramova daughter, yes with his children Ivan, yes Dementei, yes Kondrat, We borrowed thirty rubles of money from Trofim Prokofiev's son Glomazdin in Sevsk from Starodubets ... Michael, I will live with my wife and his children Trofim in the courtyard from now on for eight years; but let Trofim, his wife, and his children live long and honor him in all things... A bail on us zaimshchikov in the life of the Sevsk regimental Cossack Akim Vasiliev, Sevsk riflemen... But he will have Michael with his wife and children in his yard with Trofim from now on for three years, on our guarantee, he will not survive, and Trofim's tenacity, his wife and children will not listen to him and honor him in everything, and he will not do any work in the yard... and on us on porutchiki to take him Trofim, on this zaimnoy and residential bondage, those zaimnye dengi and tolerable bellies all in full..."(1693). The key word will be used in the text by the first verb; another key word-to live-occurs several times in various word forms and in other derived words: survive, live. The complex name of the document - Housing and Residential Bondage-is justified.

Also, two key verbs borrow and mortgage explain the complex name of the Loan and mortgage receipt:"...I borrowed two hundred rubles of money from the koluzhenin of the Posadsky district, Semyon Timofeyev's son Dekhterev, and in that money I pawned my prayer to Semyon-two icons... In that I gave Grigory a loan and mortgage receipt, wrote the receipt with my own hand" (Kaluga merchants Dekhterevs. Undated document).

Here are a few more cases where different adjectives reflect different actions in the document name. Some Ortyushka and Senka Mikheevs wanted to" live after their sovereign " by Ivan Grigoryevich Chirkin "in the peasants 'land", "and, tenacious, put mansions and plow arable land, garden fields, reap and scour meadows, like other Zhiletsky peasants", in general, become full-fledged Zhiletsky peasants. Therefore, their record of dressing up for the owner is called not just Decent, but also Zhiletsky (1627).

In one of the court cases - the case of the theft of a bull-there is a document of questioning the thieves found. The title of this document is Questionnaire and

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torturous speeches-due to the use of verbs and verbal nouns with the same roots: "... the drive cheremisa of the village of Kobenyakovy Metyakov rosprashivan died, and in rospros he said: in the last de in the year 182, autumn time, a woman from the bull Belov trade died... the bailiff Umerbakhtka was tortured, and from the torture he made the same speeches as in the interrogation, but he did not confess to other theft... Fyodor Alekseyevich Zelenoy, after listening to these interrogatory and torturous speeches, ordered them to write them out of the Code and make them according to the Code... "(1675).

If a keyword (verb) is omitted in the text, this may lead to discrepancies in the name of the document, in the name of the genre. An example is as follows: "...according to the sovereign Tsarev and Grand Duke Boris Fyodorovich of all Russia by decree and from memory, with the signature of the sovereign diyak II Pozdiev, the city clerk Ivan Neyelov and the subdeacon Yakov Rakov [we believe there should be a key verb here] in Lukin streets of priests, deacons for the priesthood, starost and ulitsyan for the sovereign tsarev and Grand Duke Boris Fyodorovich of all Russia to the godfather's kiss that their rumor and knowledge about the hunters of the Olekseevsky Sloboda, why they ate Velitsa Days from the Yamskaya sloboda bigali in the current year in 110... And the priest said to Lukina in the street [the verb appeared, but it is not a key verb] Stepan Fyodorov for the priesthood, headman Larya Petrov, desyatskaya Ortyushka Ivanov and ulicane ... rumor has it that the hunters of the grain road ran high, that the yam bread was cold and impoverished from the lack of bread, and their wives and children themselves beg for bread in the world... And the survey speeches were written by the church diyachek Mosiyko Semyonov ... Priest Stepan had a hand in this search of Lukinskaya and in his spiritual children's place" (1602). Pop called this document a search by analogy with those known to him.

Not every verb, including those adjacent to the keyword, is reflected in the document name. In the Loan mortgage cabal of 1664, we read: "From the Ustyuzha uyezd, Yagrysh volost, the peasants Dorofey and Ivan Stepanov, the children of the Stukovs, originally from Penezhan, took the land of the Cherevkov volost, from the Blast Furnace Denisovs, the daughters of the Bykovs ... And in those dengs, we loaners Dorofey and Ivan mortgaged and signed our pozhnya in Soskovets to Ostrov, in Yagryshsky meadow, the sedge of our village Selivanovskaya... And in the removal and purification of that crop of sedge, hay mowing, we borrow with our own money. And the Blast Furnace will need her money, and we will not be replaced by the loaners, we will not be replaced by this mortgage, we will pay the money in full, break-even...". More than the verb sign or its derivatives are not used in the text of the Cabal,but there are words loanee, mortgage. The verb sign did not generate the definition of signature in the complex document name:"...Borrowed bondage was written, at the behest of the loaners, by the church deacon Fedko Savin Bragin of the Yagrysh parish... To the safe mortgage cabal of the Yagrysh parish of Nikolskaya pop Maxim, vme-

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one hundred loaners of Dorofey and Ivan Stefanov's children of the Stukovs, at their behest, put his hand" (1664).

Thus, when talking about verbs as keywords that generate document names, one should also take into account their "power", which is manifested, in particular, in the formation of other derived words in the text. We will confirm this judgment with a fragment of the text of another Cabal-a Borrowed servant: "Se az Levka Fyodorov's son zanel seven az Levka y g(o) s(u)d(a) rya his Abram Ivanovich Boryshnikov three rubles of Moscow silver money... And for the growth of me to the loanee Levka Fedorov from g(o) s (u) d (a)rya his Abram Ivanovich Boryshnikov to serve and work in the yard on all days and polyagut those borrowed money on time and me to the loanee Levka Fedorov because he has g(o)s(u) d(a) rya, his own Abram Ivanovich Boryshnikov to serve and work in the yard on all days... and borrowed service kobala wrote Kozelskoi gubnai huts podyachei Trofimka Trofimov... "(1672).

Different names of the same document may arise due to the correlation with each of the elements of a phraseological combination (or a stable combination of terminology): give a benefit, give a rent. Accordingly, the names appear: This and Preferential: "... voivode Pyotr Maksimovich Lukomskoy gave lgoty moskvitin, gostinoy hundreds to a merchant, Parfenya Venevitin... and lgoty is given to him for those varnitsy for four years from those places, as he will brew salt in those varnitsy; and in those lgotny years put him four varnitsy and fishing salt to start... and if the lake to the same channel to the corner is given to him Parfenya Venevitinu that empty place along the two hundred fathoms, and across a hundred fathoms, for the barn factory and fishing... Voivode Pyotr Maksimovich Lukomskoy attached his seal to this false note; and Gavrila Semyonova wrote back the original date on the right of Podyachevo" (1636); This and the Tax payment given:"...The Ustyug city clerk Nikifor Dmitriev, the son of Kolashnikov, the Usolsky district of Pyatnitsky village, the peasant Grigory Abrosiev, the son of Melchakov, gave esma to the Ustyug Archangel Monastery to Archimandrite Cornelius for rent... a new additive is sand, and water goes around the sand on both sides. And we put it there... on the Sovereign Tsar's payment to the treasury, depending on the land and trying on other posadas, 6 money ... And if you don't step into that land, into a new addition to the sand, no one else cares henceforth to this day, like Danae Pisana, to take on Archimandrite Cornelius and his brothers... And this dues was written by the Philanderer Fyodorov son of Pestov, the Ustyug area clerk... "(1592).


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