Libmonster ID: U.S.-412

Academician I. I. MINTS. Shaping the Versailles System

The article dwells in detail on the position held by the victor countries (France, Great Britain, the USA, Italy and Japan) and their demands forwarded at the Paris Peace Conference (January 18, 1919 - January 21, 1920), reveals their contradictions over the division of war spoils and the post-war world settlement, and over the ways and means of the anti-Soviet struggle. The conference, in fact, became the world imperialism's political headquarters. The analysis of the Versailles Peace Treaty has led the author to conclude that it was spearheaded both against Germany (through the final division of the world in favour of the Antante) and against Soviet Russia and the world revolutionary movement.

A. A. KISELYOV. Collapse of Fascist Germany's Plans in the Polar Region

Fascist Germany had a detailed plan of military operations against the USSR in the Polar region where she had concentrated forces greatly exceeding those of the Soviet Union. However, the summer hostilities in 1941 deadlocked the German offensive not far from the Soviet state border, turning the area into a scene of trench warfare from Octobei 1941 through October 1944. In the course of the Petsamo-Kirkines operation German troops were crushes and driven from the Murmansk Region and the Soviet Army liberated northern Norway. The article offers a concise historiographic review, a substantiated periodisation of military actions on the Polar Front, described the assistance rendered by the Murmansk Region to the 14th and 19th Armies and the Northern Navy, and cites the names of most active participants in the events. The author subjects to criticism falsifiers of the history of the Second World War in the area.

Abel I. STARTSEV. Pushkin on USA in His "John Tanner"

The author takes as his subject critical comments made by the great Russian poet on the contemporaneous American reality and traces literary sources of Pushkin's conclusions and deductions.

A. I. SENATOROV. Sen Katayama as a Historian

It is a concise review of Sen Katayama's rich legacy of historical writings. The initiator of the Japanese labour movement, the socialist propagandist, the founder of the Communist Party of Japan and a prominent Komintern figure gives, in his books, a sweeping panorama of the advance made by the Japanese labour movement since late 19th century, of the first Japanese socialist organisations' activities, of the upsurge of the labour movement caused by the 1917 Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia. Strictly objective observations of the active participant in the events described make Sen Katayama's works a source on the history of the Japanese Communist Party, modern and contemporary history of Japan, her advance along the road of militarism.

стр. 190


"Problems of History", N. 11, 1984

Articles: Academician I. I. Mints. Shaping the Versailles System; A. A. Kiselyov. Collapse of Fascist Germany's Plans in the Polar Region; A. I. Startsev. Pushkin on USA in his "John Tanner"; A. I. Senatorov. Sen Katayama as a Historian; N. V. Blinov, V. P. Zheltova, N. A. Ivanova, Yu. I. Kiryanov, I. M. Pushkareva. On Methods of Compiling Chronicles and Statistics of the Russian Labour Movement Under Capitalism (1861 - February 1917). Essays on Russian History. E. L. Nemirovsky. Histories of Ivan Fyodorov's First Printed Books. Historical Essays. A. Z. Vakser, V. S. Izmozik. Changes in the Social Makeup of the Soviet Workers in the 1920s-1930s; A. A. Shevyakov. A Prominent Political and State Figure of the New Rumania. Historical Science in the USSR and Abroad. Surveys. B. J. Zhelitski. Contemporary Hungarian History in the "Százodok" Journal. Book Reviews: G. A. Kumanev. 1941 - 1945. A Concise History, Documents, Photographs; Steel for Victory. Soviet Ferrous Metallurgy in the Great Patriotic War; V. M. Kovalchuk. The Road of Victory of Besieged Leningrad. Schlisselburg- Polyany Railroad in 1943; A. I. Krushanov. Triumph of Soviet Power in the Far East and Transbaikalia (1917 - April 1918); Working Class of Russia from Its Emergence Through Early 20th Century; Parties and the Revolutionary Process in Asia and Africa; N. A. Fiozantseva. France in the UN (1945 - 1950); V. Ruge. End of the Weimar Republic. The Monopoly Capital and Hitler. Notes on Books. Facts, Events, People. Articles in Soviet and Foreign Historical Journals. New Books in the USSR and Abroad.


de la revue "Questions d'histoire" N11, 1984

Articles: L'académicien I. I. Mintz. L'apparition du système de Versailles : A. A. Kissélev. L'écroulement des plans de I'Allemagne nazie à Zapoliarié ; A. I. Startsev. Les Etats-Unis vus par Pouchkine en "John Tanner" ; A. I. Senatorov. Sen Katayama en tant qu'historien ; N. V. Blinov, V. P. Jeltova, N. A. Ivanovo, You. I. Kirianov, I. M. Pouchkareva. Sur les méthodes de rétablissement des chroniques et des statistiques du mouvement ouvrier de Russie de la période du capitalisme (1861 - février 1917). Apercus de l?histoire de la culture nationale. E. L. Némirovski. Le sort des éditions du premier imprimeur. Apercus historiques. A. Z. Vakser, V. S. Izmozik. Le changement du visage social de l'ouvrier soviétique des années 20 et 30; A. A. Chéviakov. L'homme publique et politique eminent de la Roumanie nouvelle. La science historique en U.R.S.S. et à l'étranger. Revues : B. Y. Jélitski. Les problèmes de l'histoire contemporaine de Hongrie dans les pages de la revue "Százodok". Comptes rendus des livres: G. A. Koumanev. 1941 - 1945. Précis d'histoire, documents, photographies ; L'acier pour la victoire. La sidérurgie de l'U.R.S.S. au cours des années de la Grande Guerre nationale ; V. M. Kovaltchouk. Le chemin de la victoire de Leningrad en siège. La voie ferrée Schlisselbourg - Poliany en 1943 ; A. I. Krouchanov. La victoire du pouvoir soviétique en Extreme-Orient et Transbaïkalie ( 1917 - avril 1918 ) ; La classe ouvrière de Russie dès la gestation jusqu'au début du XXe siècle ; Les partis et le processus révolutionnaire clans les pays d'Asie et d'Afrique ; N. A. Rozantseva. La France à l'O.N.U. ( 1945 - 1950 ) ; W. Ruge. La fin de la République de Weimar. Le capital monopoliste et Hitler. A travers les publications. Faits, événements, hommes. Articles dans les revues historiques soviétiques et étrangères. Nouveaux livres en U.R.S.S. et à l'étranger.

стр. 191


revista "Cuestiones de historia" N 11, 1984

Artículos: I. I. Mints, miembro efectivo de la AC de la URSS. Surgimiento del sistema de Versalles; A. A. Kiseliov. Frustración de los planes de Alemania fascista en Zapolarie (allende del Círculo Polar); A. I. Stártsev, Pushkin sobre EE.UU. en "John Tenner"; A. I. Senáíorov. Sen Katayama como historiador; N. V. BHnov, V. P. Zheltova, N. A. Ivanova, Yu. I. Kiriánov, I. M. Pushkariova. Sobre los métodos de hacer crónicas y estadísticas del movimiento obrero en Rusia del período capitalista (1861 - febrero de 1917). Ensayos de historia de la cultura patria. E. L. Nemirovski. Destinos de las ediciones del primer impresor. Ensayos históricos. A. Z. Váxer, V. S. Izmózik. Cambio del aspecto social del obrero soviético en los años 20 y 30; A. A. Sheviakov. Destacada personalidad política y estatal de nueva Rumania. Ciencia histórica en la URSS y en el exterior. Resúmenes B. Y. Zhelitski. Problemas de la historia contemporánea de Hungría en las páginas de la revista "Százodok". Reseñas de libros: G. A. Kumaníov. 1941 - 1945. Compendio de historia, documentos, fotografías; Acero para la victoria. La siderurgia de la URSS en los años de la Gran Guerra Patria; V. M. Kovalchuk. Camino de la victoria de Leningrado sitiado. Via férrea troncal Shlisselburg - Poliani en 1943; A. I. Krushánov. Triunfo del Poder soviético en Extremo Oriente y en Transbaikalia. (1917 - abril de 1918); La clase obrera de Rusia desde el nacimiento hasta comienzos del siglo XX; Los partidos y el proceso revolucionario en los países de Asia y África; N. A. Rózantseva. Francia en la ONU (1945 - 1950); V. Rugue. Fin de la República de Weimar. El capital monopolista e Hitler. Notas breves de libros. Hechos, sucesos, hombres. Artículos en las revistas históricas soviéticas y extranjeras. Nuevos libros en la URSS y en el exterior.


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