Libmonster ID: U.S.-411

A. I. FOMIN. Shaping State Bodies of Public Education in the First Years of Soviet Power

The article looks at the problem or state management of the socialist cultural revolution in the immediate post-revolutionary years. It traces the perfection of the Soviet state apparatus of public education based on the Leninist organisational principles in the grim conditions of the Civil War and foreign intervention. Its development went through the period of painstaking search for the forms best suited for solving tasks of the cultural revolution which led to the establishment of the People's Commissariat of Public Education and its local bodies.

V. A. DYAKOV. The Idea of Slavic Unity in the Pre-Reform Russian Social Thought

Such concepts as the "Slavic idea", the "Slavic question" and "Pan-Slavism" should never be divorced from their concrete historical environment lest they shed their specific content. Basing himself on his analysis of the genesis of the idea of Slavic mutuality and its interpretations in the pre-reform Russia the author is out to demónstrate that different approaches to the "Slavonic question" arose in different social milieux and varied in their ideological content and theoretical foundations. The article underlines the need to evaluate Slavonic doctrines in accordance with the political and class stands of their proponents to clearly distinguish between the illusions of "Democratic Pan-Slavists", the concervative utopias of the Slavophiles and the reactionary-protectionist Pan-Slavic ideas of the supporters of the "official populism" theory.

I. I. ZHIGALOV. Fascism in Britain Between the World Wars: Genesis, Nature and Specific Features

The author drew on the latest published materials and the documents of the British Union of Fascists founded by Oswald Mosley made public in the last months of 1983. He analyses some topical problems of the British fascist movement and anti-fascist struggle between the two world wars such as the genesis and evolution of British fascism, its specific features and ideological and organisational forms. The allegedly foreign origin of the fascist movement in Britain is refuted, its British roots and forerunners are shown together with the hidden springs behind the rapid resurgence of the British fascists' activity in the early post-war years.

V. S. LAVROV. Swiss Neutrality: Past and Present

Swiss foreign policy based on the perpetual neutrality is the subject of the article. The author draws on archive materials some of which were unknown to the public to follow the preparation and adoption by the 1815 Congress of Vienna of the International Act on the Perpetual Neutrality of Switzerland a corner- stone of Swiss security and prosperity. He elucidates the role Russia had to play in the process. Other foreign-policy principles of Switzerland are discussed, as well as their recent implementation. A conclusion is drawn that the country's international prestige would have been higher had she strictly adhered to the perpetual neutrality principle, exclusion of ideological differences from inter-state relations and had she put forward initiatives to strengthen peace and cooperation in Europe.

стр. 190


"Problems of History", N. 12, 1984

Articles: A. I. Fomin. Shaping State Bodies of Public Education in the First Years of Soviet Power; V. A. Dyakov. The Idea of Slavic Unity in the Pre-Reform Russian Social Thought; I. I. Zhigalov. Fascism in Britain Between the World Wars: Genesis, Nature and Specific Features; V. S. Lavroy. Swiss Neutrality: Past and Present. Historiсal Essays: N. N. Ulashchik. Byelorussian-Lithuanian Chronicles; N. P., Shmakova. The Tank City; S. P. Karpov. Latin Romania. Historical Science in the USSR and Abroad. Surveys: D. P. Erastov. Half in Century in Archives; M. F. Vidyasova. Modern Bourgeois Historiography on the Mediaeval Arab Town. Book Reviews: V. M. Kuritsyn. Extending Rights and Freedoms in the Soviet State; V. S. Lelchuk, E. E. Beilina. Industry and the Working Class under the Scientific and Technological Revolution; The Great October Revolution, Socialism and the Nationalities Question; I. M. Ionenko. Garrisons of the Rear in the Struggle for Soviet Power (The Urals and the Volga Area); I. M. Ionenko. Soldiers in the October Revolution. The Urals and Volga Area; A. Z. Kuprava. 60 Years of Soviet Abkhazia's Culture; G. I. Marakhov, Socio-Political Struggle in the Ukraine in the 1850s-1860s; A. P. Pronstein, N. A. Mininkov. 17th - 18th-Century Peasant Wars in Russia and the Don Cossaks; The Novgorod Archaeological Expedition. The First Half Century. Archaeological Research in Novgorod; K. A. Khachaturov, Latin America: Ideology and Foreign Policy; B. B. Piotrovsky. Wadi Allaki - a Route to the Nubian Golden Mines. Ancient Egyptian Petroglyphs; Thomas M. Huber. The Revolutionary Origins of Modern Japan. (Stanford). Scientific Notes. Facts, Events, People. Articles in Soviet and Foreign Historical Journals. New Books in the USSR and Abroad. Alphabetical Index of the Journal's Content for 1984.


de la revue "Questions d'histoire" N 12, 1984

Articles: A. I. Fomine. L'évolution de l'appareil d'Etat d'éducation nationale au cours des premières années du pouvoir soviétique ; V. A. Diakov. L'idée de l'unité slave dans la pensée sociale de la Russie d'après-réforme ; I. I. Jigalov. Le fascisme en Angleterre dans lentre-deux-guerres : genèse, caractère, traits spécifiques ; V. S. Lavrov. La neutralité suisse. Apercus historiques: N. N. Oulachtchik. Les chroniques biélprusso-lituaniennes ; N. P. Chmakova. La ville de Tankograd ; S. P. Karpov. La Romanie latine. L a science historique en U.R.S.S. et à l'étranger. Revues: D. P. Erastov. Un demi-siècle au service de la conservation physique des documents ; M. F. Vidiassova. La ville arabe médiévale vue par l'historiographie bourgeoise contemporaine. Comptes rendus : V. M. Kouritsyne. L'évolution des droits et des libertés dans l'Etat soviétique ; V. S. Leltchouk, E. E. Beïlina. L'industrie et la classe ouvrière dans les conditions de la R.S.T. ; La Grande Révolution d'Octobre, le socialisme et la question des nationalités ; I. M. lonenko. Les soldats des garnisons d'arrière dans la lutte pour le pouvoir des Soviets ( d'après les matériaux concernant le bassin de la Volga et l'Oural ) ; I. M. ionenko. Les masses de soldats dans la Révolution d'Octobre. D'après les matériaux concernant le bassin de la Volga et l'Oural ; A. Z. Kouprava. La culture de l'Abkhazie soviétique au cours de 60 ans; G. I. Marakhov. La lutte politique et sociale en Ukraine pendant les années 50 et 60 du XIXe siècle ; A. P. Pronchtein N. A. Mininkov. Les guerres paysannes en Russie des XVIle - XVIIIe siècles et les cosaques du Don; L'expédition archéologique de Novgorod. Les bilans du premier demi-siècle. Les études archéologiques de Novgorod ; K. A. Khatchatourov. L'Amérique latine : idéologie et politique extérieure ; B. B, Piotrov-ski. Vadi Allaki., voie vers les mines d'or de Nubie. Les inscriptions rupestres de l'ancien Egypte ; Thomas M. Huber. Les origines révolutionnaires du Japon contemporain ( Stanford ). Notes scientifiques. Faits. Evénements. Hommes. Articles dans les revues historiques soviétiques et étrangères. Nouveaux livres en U.R.S.S. et à l'étranger. L'index alphabétique des matériaux publiés dans la revue " Questions d'histoire " en 1984.

стр. 191


revista "Cuestiones de historia" N. 12, 1984

Artículos: A. I. Fomín. Desarrollo del aparato estatal de instrucción pública en los primeros años del Poder soviético; V. A. Diákov. Idea de la unidad eslava en el pensamiento social de Rusia después de la reforma; I. I. Zhigálov. El fascismo en Inglaterra entre las dos guerras mundiales: génesis, carácter, especificidad; V. S. Lavrov. La neutralidad suiza. Ensayos históricos: N. N. Uláschik. Crónicas bielorusso-lituanas; N. P. Shmákova. Ciudad de Tancogrado; S. P. Kárpov. Romania Latina. Ciencia histórica en la URSS y en el exterior: D. P. Erástov. Medie siglo al servicio del buen estado físico de los documentos; M. F. Vidiásova. Ciudad árabe medieval según la historiografía burguesa contemporánea. Reseñas: V. M. Kúritsin. Desarrollo de los derechos y las libertades en el Estado soviético; V. S. Lelchuk, E. E. Béilina. La industria y la clase obrera en condiciones de la revolución científico-técnica; El Gran Octubre, el socialismo y la cuestión nacional; I. M. lonenko. Soldados de las guarniciones de retaguardia en la lucha por el Poder de los Soviets (según los materiales de la región del Volga y los Urales); I. M. lonenko. Masas de soldados en la Revolución de Octubre. Según los materiales de la región del Volga y los Urales; A. Z. Kuprava. La cultura de Abjasia soviética en 60 años; G. I. Marájov. La lucha sociopolítica en Ucrania en los años 50 y 60 del siglo XIX; A. P. Pronstéin, N. A. Mininkov. Las guerras campesinas en Rusia en los siglos XVII y XVIII y los cosacos del Don; Expedición arqueológica de Novgorod. Resultados de los primeros cinco decenios. Estudio arqueológico de Novgorod; K. A. Jachatúrov. América Latina: ideología y política exterior; B. B. Piotrovski. Vádi Allaki, camino de las minas de oro de Nubia. Inscripciones rupestres de Egipto Antiguo; Thomas M. Huber. The Revolutionary Origins of Modern Japan (Stanford). Notas científicas. Hechos, Sucesos, Hombres. Artículos en las revistas históricas soviéticas y extranjeras. Nuevos libros en la URSS y en el exterior, índice alfabético de los materiales publicados en la revista en 1984.


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