Libmonster ID: U.S.-384

V. I. BUGANOV, G. A. TRUKAN. Study of Source Materials on the History of the U.S.S.R. at the Present Stage.

The article outlines the main trends in the study of source materials on the history oí the U.S.S.R. in the second half of the 1970s. The authors show how the study of works by K. Marx, F. Engels and V. I. Lenin continued in this period, how historians developed problems such as the correlation between methodology and methods, theory and fact, the specific features of social knowledge, the notion of historical source material, the classification of such materials, the object of source study, the integration of data of source study and other special historical disciplines, informatics as applied to source study, the use of mathematical methods in historical research. A review of concrete source studies and publications is included. It is pointed out that works pertaining to the development of Soviet source study as well as those containing a critique of the theory and practice of modern source study abroad have made their appearance.

N. A. YAKIMENKO. Agrarian Migrations in Russia (1861 - 1917).

The article considers the reasons for peasant migrations in Russia, which represented a totality of economic, political and socio-psychological factors. The economic factors, in the author's opinion, played the determining role. The character of production relations in post-reform Russia and the presence of enormous tracts of free land in its outlying areas ultimately dictated the scope of its agrarian migrations in the 1861 - 1917 period. A statistical analysis leads to the conclusion that the bulk of the migrants was formed by the poorest sections of the rural population.

V. V. SOGRIN. Bourgeois Revolutions in U.S.A.: the General and the Specific.

The author surveys the place of two American revolutions-the War of Independence of 1776 - 1783 and the Civil War of the 1860s-in the process whereby the bourgeois socio-economic formation came into existence, The general and the specific features of the American revolution in comparison with the European are clarified. In the course and under the influence of the two American revolutions were destroyed colonial oppression, feudal-aristocratic survivals and the hierarchical slave-owning society of the South, which had considerably limited the potential for the rapid development of capitalism in the U.S.A.

M. A. POLTAVSKY. Formation and Development of Austrian Nationality before the Revolution of 1848.

In addition to tracing the formation of the Austrian territorial, economic and cultural community, the author dwells on how German developed into the language of the Austrian nationality in the mid-19th century - the period by which its formation had, in the main, become completed and conditions necessary for the development of the Austrian nation had been formed.

стр. 190


of the journal "Problems of History" N. 3, 1983

Articles: V. I. Buganov, G. A. Trukan. Study of Source Materials on the History of the U.S.S.R. at the Present Stage; N. A. Yakimenko. Agrarian Migrations in Russia (1861 - 1917); V. V. Sogrin. Bourgeois Revolutions in U. S. A.: the General and the Specific; M. A. Poltavsky. Formation and Development of Austrian Nationality before the Revolution of 1848. Publication; From the Letters of the 1840s about K. Marx. Historical Essays: S. G. Livshits. The Kolchak Coup; Yu. V. Glukhov. Camp David: Pandora's Box. Historical Science in the U.S.S.R. and Abroad. Surveys: Ye. V. Bernadskaya. Review of the Collection of Articles "The Middle Ages" Book Reviews: Problems of the History of the Russian Social Movement and Historical Science; G. N. Moiseyeva. Old Russian Literature in the Artistic Consciousness and Historical Thought of 18th-Century Russia; A. N. Sakharov. Diplomacy of Svyatoslav; D. M. Tugan- Baranovsky. Napoleon and the Republicans (From the History of Republican Opposition in France in the 1799 - 1812 Period); K. E. Kirova. The Life of Giuseppe Mazzini (1805 - 1872)j Political Parties of U.S.A. in Modern Times; M. S. Kapitza, N. P. Maletín. Sukarno: A Political Biography; G. M Korostelyov, V. S. Krayev. Bourgeois Conceptions of Population. A Critique; Cuba and Defence of the Spanish Republic (1936 - 1939). (T). Havana Historical Notes. Facts, Events, Personalities. Articles in Soviet and foreign historical journals. New books in the U.S.S.R. and abroad.


de la revue "Questions d'histoire" N 3, 1983

Articles: V. I. Bouganov, G. A. Troukan. L'étude des sources de l'histoire nationale à l'étape contemporaine; N. A. Yakimenko. Les. migrations agraires en Russie (1861 - 1917); V. V. Sogrine. Les révolutions bourgeoises aux Etats-Unis : le général et le particulier. M. A. Poltavski. La gestation et le développement de la nationalité autrichienne avant la révolution de 1848. Ecrit inédit: Des lettres des années 1840 sur K. Marx. Apercus historiques: S. G. Livchitz. Le coup d'Etat de Koltchak ; You. V. Gloukhov. Camp David: la jarre de Pandore. Science historique en U.R.S.S. et à létranger. Revues: E. V. Bernadskaia. A travers les pages du recueil "Srednié véka". Comptes rendus des uvres : Problèmes de l'histoire du mouvement social russe et de la science historique ; G. N. Moisséeva La littérature russe ancienne dans la conscience artistique et la pensée historique de la Russie du XVIIIe siècle ; A. N. Sakharov. La diplomatie de Sviatoslav ; D. M. Tougan-Baranovski. Napoléon et les républicains (De l'histoire de l'opposition républicaine en France en 1799 - 1812) ; K. E. Kiróva. La vie de Guiseppe Mazzini (1805 - 1872); Les partis politiques des Etats-Unis aux temps nouveaux; Les partis politiques des Etats-Unis à l'époque contemporaine ; M. S. Kapitsa, N. P. Malétine. Sukarno : biographie politique ; G. M. Korostélev, V. S. Kraév. Les conceptions bourgeoises de la population. L'analyse critique ; Cuba et la défense de la république espagnole (1936 - 1939) (La Havane) Notes scientifiques. Faits, événements, hommes. Articles dans les revues historiques soviétiques et étrangères. Nouveaux livres en U.R.S.S. et à l'étranger.

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revista "Cuestiones de historia" N 3, 1983

Artículos: V. I. Buganow, G. A. Trukán. Estudio de las fuentes de la historia patria en la etapa contemporánea; N. A. Yakimenko. Migraciones agrarias en Rusia (1861 - 1917); V. V. Sogrin. Revoluciones burguesas en EE.UU.: lo general y lo particular; M. A. Poltavski. Proceso de formación y desarrollo del grupo étnico austríaco antes de la revolución de 1848. Publicación: De las cartas de la década de 1840 sobre C. Marx. Ensayos históricos : S. G. Livshits. El golpe de Kolchak; Yu. V. Glújov. Camp David: la caja de Pandora. Ciencia histórica en la URSS y en el exterior. Resúmenes: E. V. Bernádskaia. Por las páginas de la recopilación "La Edad Media". Reseñas de libros: Problemas de historia del movimiento social ruso y de la ciencia histórica; G. N. Moiséeva. Literatura rusa antigua en la conciencia artística y el pensamiento histórico de Rusia del siglo XVIII; A. N. Sájarov. La diplomacia de Sviatoslav; D. M. Tugán-Baranovski. Napoleón y los republicanos (De la historia de la oposición republicana en Francia en 1799 - 1812); K. E. Kiróva. La vida de Giuseppe Mazzini (1805 - 1872); Partidos políticos de EE.UU. en la época moderna; M. S. Kapitsa, N. P. Maletín. Sukarno: la biografía política; G. M. Korosteliov, V. S. Kráev. Concepciones burguesas de la población. Análisis crítico; Cuba y la defensa de la República española (1936 - 1939) (La Habana), etc. Apuntes científicos. Hechos, aconteimientos personas. Artículos en las revistas históricas soviéticas y extranjeras. Nuevos libros en la URSS y en el exerior.


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