R. DLUBEK, S. Z. LEVIOVA. Treasure-Store of the Ideas of Scientific Communism
The article contains a brief characteristic of the Complete Works of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in the languages of the original, which is being published jointly by a large group of scientists from two fraternal socialist countries-the U.S.S.R. and the G.D.R. The first two volumes of this edition have already come off the press and are now on sale. The publication of this unique edition has become possible thanks to the truly titanic work of collecting and publishing the literary heritage of Marx and Engels, which has been carried on in our country systematically and painstakingly since the very inception of the Soviet state. The Complete Works of Marx and Engels is an international scientific edition which has no parallel for the completeness of publishing the literary legacy of the founders of scientific communism, as well as for the range of explanatory and scientific notes, commentaries, subject and name indexes, etc. The publication will include a number of hitherto unpublished manusripts, notes, excerpts and preparatory materials of Marx and Engels, as well as numerous letters addressed to them. The farreaching tasks in the field of scientific investigation and source research connected with the new publication are being tackled in close cooperation with research institutions and progressive scientists of a number of countries.
V. F. ROMANOV. The Socio- Economic Foundation of the Russian Autocracy in the Epoch of Imperialism
Proceeding from the Leninist conception of autocracy, the author graphically shows the socio-economic factors determining the evolution of tsarism in the epoch of imperialism, the role and place of the Russian bourgeoisie in the socio-political structure of society, the mechanism of its influence on the policy pursued by the tsarist autocracy. The peculiarity of 20th-century tsarism consisted in the fact that the resultant of its policy passed through the plane where the fundamental interests of the landlords and the bourgeoisie were closely intertwined. While recognizing the unalterable nature of the autocracy founded on feudal oppression and serfdom, and showing the concrete historical forms of its manifestation, the author at the same time criticizes the conception that the Russian bourgeoisie "did not possess political power." The article substantiates the idea that the Russian bourgeoisie in the conditions of autocratic government actually possessed a considerable amount of real political power. The author also analyzes the very mechanism through which the bourgeoisie could influence the policy pursued by the absolute monarchy in Russia in the 20th century, and traces the economic and political sources nourishing its counter- revolutionary aspirations.
H. P. STRODS. Commercial Agriculture in Latvia in the First Half of the 19th Century
In the 1870's the Baltic provinces of Kurland, Livonia and Estonia were territories with developed agricultural capitalism. Drawing on his close study of archive materials and relevant literature, the author convincingly shows that the embryonic phenomena characteristic of the development of commercial agriculture (growth of the average net harvest of cereals per capita, the impact of the changes in the market situation on the volume of agricultural production, the rudiments of agricultural specialization, the processing of agricultural produce, etc.) could be observed on Latvian territory already in the period preceding the abolition of serfdom.
G. L. ARSH. Joannes Capodistrias in Russia
The article sheds light on a little-studied page in the history of Russo-Greek relations- Joannes Capodistrias' stay in Russia in 1809 - 1822. For a number of years Capodistrias played a prominent part in Russia's political and social life, maintaining close connections with some outstanding personalities in the sphere of Russian culture. During his stay in Russia Joannes Capodistrias steadfastly carried on his national patriotic activity. The high position occupied by the Greek patriot in the Russian state infused the Greek people with renewed hopes of obtaining Russian assistance in the struggle for national liberation.
I. I. ZHIGALOV. The Problem of Great Britain's Participation in the 1956 Suez Crisis and Its Reflection in Historical Literature
The author examines one of the most acute global conflicts since the termination of the second world war, paying particular attention to the part played in this conflict by Great Britain, whose ruling element were the chief organisers and inspirers of the aggression against Egypt.
The article analyzes the key aspects of the problem, which arouse the keen interest of researchers: the periodization of events, the "preventive" character of employing the joint armed forces of the Western Powers and Israel against Egypt, the assessment of the
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Soviet Union's role and place in the 1956 events, the state of Anglo-American relations as the culmination point of U. S. -British rivalry in the Middle East and, lastly, a brief analysis of the political struggle that developed among the different segments of British society during that period.
The author closely examines and critically analyzes a number of contemporary historical works devoted to this subject.
V. E. NEVLER. The Political Struggle in Venice During the First Months Following the Proclamation of a Republic in 1848
The article points out that in 1848 the struggle of the Italian patriots against Austria's oppression reached the utmost degree of intensity. As a result of an uprising on March 22 Venice was proclaimed a republic and a compromise government headed by Daniele Manin, leader of the democratic forces, was formed. Shortly after the establishment of a republican form of government an acute political struggle flared up between the various party factions. The Right-wing Liberals were anxious to annex Venice to the Sardinian Kingdom, supporting the plan of establishing the kingdom of North Italy under the aegis of the Savoy dynasty. The article shows the selfish aims and dynastic policy of King Charles Albert of Piedmont. The democrats, on the other hand, fought to safeguard the republic's independence and proposed to postpone the question about the future political system until the defeat of the occupation forces. The article highlights the gallant struggle carried on by the leader of the revolution Daniele Manin in defence of the republic. At the same time the author cannot but note the wavering, indecision and inconsistency manifested by Manin on more than one occasion. The political struggle in Venice during the republic of 1848 served as an object lesson for future generations of fighters for the freedom of Italy.
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