Libmonster ID: U.S.-1638
Author(s) of the publication: Y. G. SOLODKIN

By the end of the 16th century, the Solovetsky Monastery had become one of the largest cultural centers of the Russian North. Here the correspondence of manuscripts was conducted, a local chronicler was created, the "Life of Metropolitan Philip of Moscow" Kolychev appeared, during whose time as abbot the monastery on the White Sea coast, founded by Zosima and Savvati, became one of the most significant monasteries in a huge country. Abbots Iakov and Isidor became the most prominent Solovetsky scribes of the last decades of the XVI century.

A disciple of St. Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow, James took vows at Solovki in 1563 (64), and nine years later became abbot of the Paleostrovsky Rozhdestvensky Monastery on Lake Onega. In 1581, about two years later, after returning from the "Pagliet Island", Jacob became the abbot of the Solovetsky monastery. According to the monastery chronicler, the brethren asked Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich for this. Soon, after returning from the emperor's visit, the new abbot "began to divide the city of Kamennaya in Solovki, and in Sumy volost [which was often attacked by the Swedes. - Ya. S.] put [service people and peasants. - Ya. S.] ostrog " (Koretsky V. I. Solovetsky letopisets kontsa XVI v. [Solovetsky chronicler of the end of the XVI century]. Like " sogradite-

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la "chudnago stenozdaniya" on the Solovetsky "otok", that is, the island, Jacob was remembered for a long time (Monuments of literature of Ancient Russia: XVII century. Moscow, 1988. Book 1), although the architect of the fortress was the monk Trifon.

James took part in church councils that decided to limit monastic land ownership, raise Metropolitan Job to the rank of Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, and elect Boris Godunov to the kingdom. After leaving Solovki in 1597, Yakov became the first archimandrite of the Trinity Ipatievsky Monastery near Kostroma. Like the Metropolitans Macarius and Athanasius, James was engaged in icon painting. In the Ipatiev monastery, Yakov remained abbot at least until the second half of 1606, when Tsar Vasily Shuisky (deposed in the summer of 1610) "released" Yakov to Solovki, apparently at his request.

Metropolitan Isidore of Novgorod, in a special letter, asked the Solovetsky brethren to "save" Jacob "for his old age" and "rest" the former abbot (Dosifey [Nemchinov]. Geographical, historical and statistical description of the Stavropol first-class Solovetsky monastery. Moscow, 1836. Part 3). When Jacob died, it is not known exactly. He was buried in the tomb of his mentor Philip.

Iakov is reasonably recognized as the initiator of the compilation of the Solovetsky Chronicler, edited at the end of the XVI century, and" one of the organizers of keeping chronicle records in the monastery "(Dictionary of Scribes and Bookworthiness of Ancient Russia, L., 1988-1989, Issue 2, Part 1-2). In the chronicle that developed in the Solovetsky monastery under Iakov, he was named the author of the Solovetsky Chronicle. ten messages are dedicated, and he is called abbot in the news of his appointment as abbot "in Pagliet-ostrov". In the last of the chronicle articles, which deals with James, it is said that he transferred the relics of Metropolitan Philip from the Tver Otroch monastery to Solovki at the behest of the "holy tsar" Fyodor. In the" Life " of Philip, it is mentioned that Jacob went to Moscow to ask the emperor for permission to transfer the remains of the famous bishop to the monastery of Zosima and Savvati.

"The Life of Metropolitan Philip of Moscow" was written by a Solovetsky monk who witnessed the meeting of the relics of the former abbot by the brethren in 1591 - at the very end of the XVI century (Zimin A. A. Oprichnina Ivan the Terrible, Moscow, 1964). Perhaps it was Jacob who initiated the creation of this work. In the Solovetsky parish and expense books, where Iakov's autographs are found, his students Paphnutius, Miron, Guri, Makarii, Filaret, as well as cellmate Ilya are named. Perhaps one of them was involved in the compilation of the Life of Philip and acted as a chronicler. The Monk Paphnutius, by the way, addressed a dogmatic epistle "The Wisdom of Theological Books"to James.

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Iakov gave the Solovetsky monastery icons, crosses and books for a huge amount at that time-463 rubles 5 altyn 4 money. The abbot "invested" 27 books in the monastery, eight of which can be identified thanks to the owner's notes or ex-libris (Kukushkina M. V. Monastic libraries of the Russian North: Essays on the history of book culture of the XVI-XVII centuries. l., 1977). The sign with which he marked his books (inscribed in a closed circle title of dignity and name), in its external form imitates the ex-libris of the Solovetsky abbot of the turn of the XV - XVI centuries Dosifey (Rozov N. N. Russkaya rukisnaya kniga: Etudy i kharakteristiki N. L., 1971; Shchapov Ya. N. K istorii russkogo knizhnogo znaka kontsa XV Rukisnaya i prinatnaya kniga [Handwritten and Printed Book], Moscow, 1975.

Jacob "gave to the treasury" of the monastery, which became his "promise", a copy - one of the five extant-of the wide-font Psalter of the "Dofedorovsky" (hopeless) edition (Nemirovsky E. L. The emergence of printing in Moscow: Ivan Fedorov, Moscow, 1964). The abbot also presented the native monastery with two Gospels, the Apostle, the Rules of the Holy Fathers, and a collection with the Word of Reply by Vassian Patrikeev , a remarkable publicist of the time of Basil III. On Solovki, apparently, by order of Jacob, the "Kholmogorskaya Chronicle" was rewritten, the manuscript of which received an owner's sign after the arrival of the abbot in Kostroma (Lavrentiev A.V. Early list of the Kholmogorskaya Chronicle from the collection of A. I. Musin-Pushkin // Proceedings of the Department of Ancient Russian Literature. L., 1985. Vol.39). In total, twelve books belonging to Jacob have been identified so far.

In the description of the Solovetsky library of 1597, the sources of its replenishment over a decade and a half are defined as follows:: "Books of new arrivals that arrived under Abbot James [there were 94 of them]: the sovereign's salary and the Christ-loving giving and the monastic letter." It is known that three manuscripts, including the "History of the Jewish War" by Josephus, which was used in the creation of the "Facial Vault", were sent to Solovki by Ivan the Terrible (Ivan the Terrible Library: Reconstruction and Bibliographic Description, Leningrad, 1982). On some of the manuscripts copied at the monastery at that time, it is noted that they were created "at the behest of Abbot Jacob." The priest Mitrofan copied the "Chronicler" (judging by the volume, the all - Russian chronicle), and the priest Stefan copied the "Prologue" (Kukushkina M. V. Kniga v Rossii v XVI v. SPb., 1998).

Jacob's successor as abbot of Solovetsky was Isidore, the same one who, when he was already Metropolitan of Novgorod, asked Abbot Anthony and his brethren to "rest" the former archimandrite of Ipatiev, a disciple of St. Philip. Isidore, along with other cathedral elders of the Solovetsky monastery and the former Ryazan bishop Philotheus, described the monastery's property in May 1582 when the new abbot Iakov (M. V. Kukushkina) took office.

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Biblioteka Solovetskogo monastyra v XVI v. [Library of the Solovetsky Monastery in the XVI century].

In 1593, Isidore was transferred to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, where for several years the elder performed the duties of a cellarer-acolyte, singing in the choir-dais in front of the iconostasis. In 1597, the Solovetsky brethren elected him their abbot, and six years later Isidore was elevated to the Novgorod metropolitanate, which he held until his death in 1619 (Shumakov S. Tver acts. Tver, 1896. Issue 1; same name. Review of the letters of the College of Economy", Moscow, 1917, Issue 4).

According to the parish and expense books of the Solovetsky monastery, many of which Isidore signed "with his own hand", it is clear that he brought to the monastery "The Life of John Chrysostom", two lists of "The Ladder of St. John of Sinai", "The Arch of Nikon the Great", "Chronograph", "Iron Circle", "Chronicler of the Step" (apparently, "The Step Book of the Royal Genealogy", compiled under Ivan the Terrible), etc. This list shows the breadth of the elder's reading interests. In addition to theological and liturgical works, his attention was drawn to historical works. It was not for nothing that Isidore "forced" Deacon Timofeev to describe the disasters of the long-term troubles, especially in Novgorod (Vremennik Ivan Timofeev, Moscow-L., 1951). Metropolitan Isidore, who crowned Vasily Shuisky to the kingdom, also owned the Gospel published in 1606 by Anisim Radishevsky (A corpus of records on old printed books. St. Petersburg, 1992. Issue 1). At the very beginning of the XVII century, according to E. L. Nemirovsky, Isidore acquired the first printed Apostle. The metropolitan bequeathed the Rank of coronation of Boris Godunov, which belonged to him, to "lay in the Sophian House", that is, his Novgorod residence.

Thanks to the activities of Iakov and Isidor, the importance of the Solovetsky Monastery as a center of spiritual culture in the White Sea Region has significantly increased.



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