Libmonster ID: U.S.-1732

This article examines the components of the conceptual apparatus and institutional structure of ensuring Israel's national security used in the fight against terrorism.

Keywords: national security, security threats, ensuring security, combating terrorism, state institutions, authorized bodies.

For Israel, the threat of terrorism has been relevant almost throughout its history. Since the proclamation of the state in 1948, Israeli counterterrorism activities have been carried out within the framework of ensuring national security, which the Israeli researcher K. Michal defines as guaranteeing the existence of the Jewish nation [Michal, 2010, p.110]. The correctness and expediency of considering the fight against terrorism under Israeli conditions in the context of such a large-scale task as ensuring national security can be evidenced by the point of view of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to which at present "international terrorism can no longer be considered as a tactical threat that does not have real global consequences" [Netanyahu, 2002, p. 13].

Since counter-terrorism activities are an integral part of ensuring national security, the conceptual framework related to the fight against terrorism is part of the system of concepts used in the doctrinal provisions of ensuring national security.

Threats to the State may have an internal or external source. This led to the formation of two concepts in Israeli political practice - " current security "and" basic security". In fact, they reflect the directions of the Jewish state's activities to ensure national security. Its counterterrorism content is constantly changing under the influence of processes taking place in the external environment of Israel, which is reflected in the adjustment of the relevant concepts.

The goals of current security activities are to maintain the usual safe way of life throughout the country, protect borders, and prevent subversive activities on a local scale, which may result in damage to the security of citizens and property objects [Current security].

The formations used in this area are called "current security units". Despite the fact that the fight against terrorism, as a rule, is not connected with the elimination of existential threats, units of not only the Israeli police, but also the armed forces are involved in counter-terrorism activities. The main part of the police units that are involved in the provision of-

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for current security purposes, it is part of the Border Troops. The forms of their activity are: 1) monitoring the development of the situation in the area of responsibility, including using technical means; 2) patrolling state borders, territories adjacent to military facilities, as well as roads that need to be secured; 3) organizing ambushes and roadblocks to detain terrorists and criminals in general [ibid.].

The content of basic security activities is determined by their main objectives - eliminating the existential threat to the State of Israel and, accordingly, ensuring its safe existence for a long period of time. At the same time, the areas of activity depend on the nature of threats and may change over time. For example, initially the fight against terrorism did not occupy a significant place in the complex of measures to ensure basic security, since they were focused on neutralizing the external threat, and counter-terrorism efforts were undertaken only in the rear area, which is part of the structure of the armed forces.

The armed forces are the main instrument for ensuring basic security. In addition, the involvement of the" people's army " provides for the mandatory mobilization and use of reservists. The concept of "security triangle" reflects the implementation of activities in three areas: deterrence prevention and victory [Shabtai, 2010, p. 8]. The specific content of these concepts is not constant, it varies in accordance with the shift in emphasis in the list of threats to the Jewish state.

The term "deterrence" is used to refer to a set of measures implemented to prevent or slow down the formation of conditions in which an actor decides to start a confrontation with Israel. This term is applicable to a significant number of entities that potentially threaten the Jewish State. Building a "deterrent capability" by building powerful armed forces and maintaining their high combat readiness is considered the main focus of ensuring basic security.

Initially, as Sh notes. Shabtai, ensuring the security of the Jewish state was associated with eliminating the threat of a large-scale war against a coalition of hostile states. There was also the issue of combating terrorism, which was mainly carried out by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which operated with the support of a number of Arab states-Egypt, Syria, etc. [ibid., p. 8]. Priorities in the use of the term "deterrence"were also allocated accordingly.

The situation began to change in 1979, after the signing of a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, which significantly reduced the likelihood of war between them. On the one hand, this has expanded the range of opportunities for the Jewish state to ensure its national security, on the other hand, the very nature of threats has changed, among which the role of terrorism has significantly increased.

Israeli analysts explain this fact by several factors, including the transformation of Iran as a result of the Islamic Revolution from an ally of Israel to its enemy, as well as the creation of the Hezbollah organization based in Lebanon. Under these circumstances, it has become common for Israelis to conduct limited-scale military operations on average once every three to four years, a significant part of which can be described as anti-terrorist.

The growing role of terrorism in the list of threats to national security has shifted the vector of the main efforts in the field of "deterrence" from hostile states to the most influential actors of terrorism. First of all, we are talking about the organizations Hezbollah and Hamas, the expediency of applying the provisions of "deterrence" in relation to

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which is caused by their transformation into semi-sovereign structures. In their case, "deterrence", according to Israeli researchers, has significantly reduced the number of terrorist acts involving suicide bombers, although the application of the same provisions to small terrorist groups is considered counterproductive, since the latter are not related to the institution of the state.

The term "warning" defines the activities of the Israeli intelligence community aimed at detecting and disrupting attempts to carry out actions that are anti-Israeli in nature.

Initially, in the context of "warning", it was mainly about preventing attempts by hostile States to conduct large-scale military actions against Israel. Since the late 1980s, the results of transformations in the country's external environment have significantly expanded the scope of "warning", which actually includes all possible threats, including terrorist ones. As a result, terrorist structures have received attention comparable in scale to that given to States.

The attitude to expanding the scope of "warning" among Israeli experts is ambiguous. For example, according to Sh. Fourth, the inclusion of almost all types of threats to national security in it absolutized the term under consideration and thereby significantly limited the ability of authorized bodies to carry out maneuvering. At the same time, the term itself, even with its extended interpretation, does not reflect the full range of efforts being made, and its use is considered by an Israeli researcher as counterproductive [Shabtai, 2010, p.9].

The term "victory" is used primarily to define activities aimed at forcing an actor through military force to pursue a policy that suits Israel. More specifically, this concept is used in the framework of activities aimed at achieving one of the three goals:: 1) conclusion of a peace treaty on favorable terms for Israel; 2) victory over a terrorist and semi-sovereign organization; 3) conclusion of a truce for a certain period of time.

Until the 1980s, the use of the term "victory" in relation to areas of government activity that do not have a pronounced military character, in particular in relation to terrorism, was considered impractical. However, the change in the nature of terrorist actors, for example, the transformation of Hezbollah and Hamas organizations into semi-sovereign structures, made it appropriate to use the term under consideration in relation to them. At present, Israel does not exclude the possibility of conducting a military operation, the purpose of which may be to force not only States, but also semi-sovereign terrorist structures to carry out certain policies.

The conceptual framework for ensuring Israel's national security includes the terms "self-defense" and "defense", which are also applicable to the field of combating terrorism, which includes anti-terrorism as a system of defensive actions aimed at protecting the population and property, and counter-terrorism as a set of offensive measures to prevent, deter and respond to terrorist actions (Chuganov, 2004).

The term "self-defense" is used to define activities focused primarily on the use of passive defense equipment. In the context of the fight against terrorism, "self-defense" can be correlated with one of the two strategies identified by B. Netanyahu (active and passive) in the fight against terrorism, the subject of which is an internal actor. First of all, we are talking about a passive security system, in which many potential terrorist targets are "reinforced in advance". This involves the large-scale use of security guards and law enforcement officers, as well as a thorough check of persons approaching objects.,

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which can be targeted by the actions of terrorists. In addition, the high level of vigilance of the civilian population can significantly contribute to the success of the fight against terrorism [Netanyahu, p. 61]. As the Israeli Prime Minister points out, passive counterterrorism security measures are relatively effective in small States. In view of these circumstances, Israel has always made considerable efforts and allocated substantial financial resources to ensure "self-defense" [ibid.].

The term "defense" defines activities focused on the use of means of not only passive, but also active offensive defense, including the implementation of targeted measures to prevent the shelling of Israeli territory by members of terrorist organizations, as well as the prevention of terrorist acts that are not part of a large-scale escalation of tension.

The concept of "defense" is consistent with an active strategy of combating terrorism, the subject of which is an internal actor. It presupposes proactive counter-terrorism activities, which include identifying hotbeds of terrorist activity; conducting surveillance of individual members of organizations that advocate the use of violence; analyzing and summarizing data on these structures; using proactive surveillance; expanding the operational network; conducting searches, arrests, interrogations, detentions; and bringing those responsible for terrorism to justice [ibid., p. 62-63].

Social institutions that perform the functions of combating terrorism, on the one hand, function in Israel, as in many countries, within the framework of national security institutions, on the other hand, they have their own specifics.

First of all, we are talking about the Civil Front Institute, which is a form of interaction between state structures and civil society in various fields [Civil Front in Israel]. The nature of the interaction of the structural elements of the GF, focused on expanding the capabilities of the state and society, largely determines the effectiveness of the functioning of the institution in question in crisis situations, including those that have arisen as a result of terrorist manifestations.

The algorithm of functioning of the State Budget provides for the activities of state bodies as the main components, while civil society performs auxiliary functions. To prepare for joint actions in crisis situations, exercises, trainings and various preparatory activities are conducted.

All State bodies that are part of the State Fiscal Service take part in counterterrorism activities to one degree or another. However, the main burden of the fight against terrorism is borne by the structures that protect Israeli citizens from external and internal threats and are conditionally united in the "Israel Security Management System", which includes the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces (Israel Defense Forces), the Intelligence and Special Operations Agency, the General Security Service and the Ministry of Internal Security.

Ministry of Defense 1 - an agency whose main goal is to meet the needs of the armed forces and expand their capabilities to repel possible aggression and ensure qualitative superiority over a possible enemy [Security management system]. Please contact us-

1 The term "Ministry of Defense"is not used in Israeli practice. In the literal translation, which more fully reflects the meaning of the term used, it sounds like "Ministry of Security". This agency and the Ministry of Internal Security are separate State bodies.

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The Ministry's counter-terrorism activities are aimed at supporting both State and non-State structures in the fight against terrorism. So, during the anti-terrorist operation "Cast Lead" (2008-2009) The Ministry of Defense provided assistance to both the home front command and local authorities. During the Second Lebanon War (2006), the Ministry dealt with the resettlement of evacuees, ensuring the security of medical institutions, and restoring shelters for civilians in populated areas in the northern regions of the country.

The main entity for which the Ministry of Defense functions is the armed forces. 2 They carry out their activities in accordance with the Decree on the Exercise of Power and the Court issued by the Provisional Government in 1948 and still in force, as well as the amendment adopted in 1995, according to which the armed forces are authorized to carry out all necessary legal activities not only for the purpose of protecting the State, but also for ensuring security and [Decree on the Exercise of Power and the Court, 1948, section six-Armed Forces, Article 18].

The Intelligence and Special Operations Agency (MOSSAD) reports to the Prime Minister's Office and is actively involved in the fight against terrorism. One of the distinctive characteristics of the MOSSAD is the lack of a legislative definition of the goals of functioning, structure and powers of this organization, which operates in accordance with internal rules that are closed in nature.

The General Security Service (SHABAK) also carries out the fight against terrorism. Currently, it operates under the General Security Service Act of February 21, 2002. The law defines the general goals of the SHABAK's operation, including "ensuring the security of the state, its democratic system and institutions from terrorist threats, subversive and sabotage activities..." [General Security Service Act, 2002, Article 7, paragraph A]. Since 1967, the Service's activities have mainly focused on preventing and suppressing terrorist acts, which is achieved by solving a number of tasks: preventing and preventing illegal activities directed against the state, its democratic system or institutions; ensuring the security of citizens and facilities; carrying out intelligence activities, etc. [ibid., para. B].

The General Security Service is responsible for detecting and preventing the transfer of funds used for sponsorship of terrorism; smuggling of weapons of war; and delivery of materials to the West Bank and Gaza Strip that can be used for the production of weapons of war [Website of the General Security Service of Israel].

The Service's activities are aimed at combating terrorism, regardless of the nationality of its subjects. The Shin Bet managed to prevent a number of terrorist attacks organized by Jewish extremists in 1972, 1980, and 2003.

The Ministry of Internal Security of Israel is responsible for maintaining law and order and ensuring the internal security of the State [Website of the Ministry of Internal Security, Manual of the Ministry of Internal Security]. In accordance with Israeli law, as well as government decisions, the designated agency is responsible for preparing the report.-

2 As a general rule, the term "Israel Defense Forces" is used in Israeli practice. Based on the provision that the army is the totality of the armed forces of the State, the terms "Armed Forces of Israel" and "Israel Defense Forces" are considered synonymous in this article.

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emergency and crisis situations, including those resulting from terrorist manifestations [Website of the Ministry of Internal Security, Emergency Preparedness and Natural Disasters].

The Israeli Police are subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Security. It manages the forces used in the event of a terrorist act, and also organizes an operational headquarters. The police consists of Border Troops, which in turn include a number of anti-terrorist units.

A significant role in countering terrorism is played by the Home Front System functioning within the State Budget, which covers the Home Front Command, as well as a number of other state structures [Formation of the Home Front System in the State of Israel, 2007, p.12-13].

Home Front Command 3 - a structure that is part of the armed forces, but organizes and coordinates joint activities of civilian and military actors in a state of emergency, deals with the prevention, elimination of consequences and/or minimization of damage from the implementation of five types of threats, one of which is terrorism [Home Front Command website, Types of threats].

Forms of activity of the Home Front Command in the field of combating terrorism are diverse. First of all, these are measures aimed at raising public awareness about the specifics of terrorist threats. In particular, the Command staff notes the variety of methods used by terrorist organizations operating against Israel. The main ones are: firing rocket launchers and mortars at the territory of Israel, laying explosive devices in objects and vehicles, as well as the use of suicide bombers. The main threat to the Israeli rear is rocket and mortar attacks [Home Front Command website], carried out by Hezbollah - from southern Lebanon and Hamas-from the Gaza Strip.

The form of action of the Home Front Command to eliminate and / or minimize the consequences of rocket and mortar attacks is to warn the population about the corresponding threat. In addition, exercises are being held to practice the actions of the population, including employees of state and non-state institutions in the conditions of rocket and mortar fire. As an example, we can mention the exercise "Turning Point 5" (2011) [National Home Front Exercises...]. Home Front Command exercises are held annually.

The civil component of the GF is represented by entities that are able to benefit or, on the contrary, suffer damage as a result of a crisis situation [Civil Front in Israel]. Among them are the business community, public organizations, associations, etc. In the field of combating terrorism, their function is to provide assistance to authorized state bodies.

The Ministry of Health, which is responsible for dealing with the consequences of a terrorist act [State of Israel...], and the Ministry of Home Front Protection are involved in counter-terrorism tasks.

The Ministry of Home Front Protection was established relatively recently, on January 19, 2011. Its activities are directly related to the elimination and / or minimization of the consequences of terrorist acts, in particular missile attacks.-

3 To translate the name used in Israeli practice, in order to avoid discrepancies, I use the version offered by the official website of the specified structure - "Home Front Command". Meanwhile, the translation of "rear district" seems more logical, since the term, along with such terms as, is used to refer to one of the four territorial associations of the Israeli Armed forces, which are traditionally translated as "Northern District", "Central District" and "Southern District", although in literal translation they sound like "Northern Command", "Central Command" and" Southern Command", respectively.

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strelov. Arguing for the need to create this agency, B. Netanyahu emphasized:: "We are talking about creating a separate ministry... which will be responsible for home front protection issues. A similar situation occurs in a number of countries, such as the United States. Despite the fact that none of these countries were hit, as we were, by 12 thousand missiles... they have separate ministries dealing with home front protection issues. Israel all the more needs a ministry that will purposefully deal with these issues" [Powers of the Ministry of Home Front Protection, 2012, p. 11].

However, the government decision on the creation of the Ministry of Home Front Protection did not specify its specific powers and tasks. In March 2011, a public commission was formed to determine the areas of activity, responsibilities and powers of the new agency. The report of the commission indicated that its members had serious doubts about the need to create a structure independent of the Ministry of Defense and insignificant in size; it was considered that by its nature it was doomed to be weak. Therefore, it was recommended to form the Ministry of Home Front Protection as a sub-ministry that would deal with logistics and administration issues in the interests of the Ministry of Defense, and carry out independent actions only in the areas defined for the new body by the commission. It was assumed that the main functions of the Ministry of Home Front Protection - in fact, the coordinating headquarters - should be the formation of policies and the development of system programs that would unite all ministries in order to effectively operate state institutions in a crisis and state of emergency [Powers of the Ministry of Home Front Protection, 2012, p. 12].

Depending on the scale of the terrorist threat, the National Security Headquarters 4, an advisory body under the Prime Minister of Israel, may be involved as an advisory body in the fight against terrorism. Representatives of departments involved in ensuring national security participate in the work of the Headquarters. Its work is closed, but based on information leaked to the media, it can be concluded that considerable attention is being paid to the fight against terrorism. This is evidenced by the fact that the construction of the Separation Fence 5 was one of the issues that members of the National Security Headquarters participated in discussing.

4 The National Security Council was originally established in April 1999 in accordance with a decision of the Government of Israel, but due to the lack of clarity in the wording of the tasks and powers of the Council, this body functioned only nominally for quite a long period of time. In November 2006, the former head of Israel's military intelligence, Major General A. Malka described the Council's activities as follows:" As an effective body, it does not exist " [National Security Headquarters]. In July 2008, the National Security Council adopted a law proposed by the Government, according to which the National Security Council was reformed. The law clearly defined the functions of this body, and also gave it a new name-the Headquarters for Ensuring National Security [Law "On the Headquarters for Ensuring National Security", 2008]. The legislative definition of the functions of the headquarters, as well as a high degree of mutual trust between its members, helped to increase the role of this body in the decision-making process of the country's political leadership.

5 "Separation fence" "Separation wall" and "Security fence" are terms used to refer to the same engineering structure. It is an obstacle that Israel has been putting up in the West Bank since 2002 to prevent unauthorized movement of Palestinians, including suicide bombers, to Jewish population centers. The use of a particular term largely depends on the axiological attitudes of the subject. For example, former Israeli Prime Minister A. Sharon used the name "Security Fence" during his speech at the UN to emphasize its importance as a means of ensuring security and preventing terrorist acts.

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One of the four main structural divisions of this body is directly involved in counterterrorism activities — the Counterterrorism Headquarters 6, established in April 1996. The reason for its formation is considered to be a wave of terrorist acts that swept through the country at that time. Counterterrorism Headquarters - a coordinating body responsible for determining the scope of responsibility of counterterrorism actors, as well as the forms of their interaction. The headquarters is headed by the Head of the General Security Service. The staff consists of 20 people: 8 employees of the special services and police and 12 technical workers [State of Israel]. The headquarters solves a whole range of tasks, including: representing Israel at the European Forum for Research on Security Innovations (ESRIF); supervising the security of Israeli citizens abroad; conducting relevant scientific research, developing and implementing counter-terrorism technologies; solving issues of legislative security at sea, on land and in the air; coordination and coordination of actions, as well as the development and implementation of projects in the field of protecting Israel's state borders; implementation of international cooperation with relevant foreign actors in the field of combating terrorism [Tasks of the Counter-Terrorism Headquarters].

Based on the analysis and synthesis of the information received, the Counter-Terrorism Headquarters prepares a weekly report to the Prime Minister on internal and external threats to the State [State of Israel].

Thus, the analysis of the components of the conceptual apparatus and institutional structure of the fight against terrorism in Israel allows us to draw a number of conclusions. First,by now the state has developed a conceptual framework that reflects doctrinal approaches to the implementation of counter-terrorism activities, as well as the role and place of state and non-state structures in this area. Secondly, the fight against terrorism in Israel is carried out within the framework of ensuring national security, which is reflected in the unity of concepts used in both areas. Third, the specific content of concepts used in the fight against terrorism largely depends on the nature of threats to the Jewish State and may vary according to changing emphasis on a particular threat. Fourth, the State has established a counter-terrorism structure, which is an integral part of the institutional structure for ensuring national security. The share of the fight against terrorism in the activities of the latter is determined by the degree of terrorist threats and dangers and has tended to increase since the 1980s. Finally, since terrorist threats to Israel are both internal and external in nature, appropriate structures are involved in the fight against them, which work in close cooperation. At the same time, the main burden of day-to-day elimination of threats and dangers is assigned to formations created to ensure internal security.

list of literature

The State of Israel. Foreign counter-terrorism structures // http://antitcrror.hcrzcn.spb. ru/?ELEMENT_ID=108

Civil Front in Israel II Rsut Institute (in Hebrew) // http:// Publication.aspx?Publicationld=3524

Tasks of the Counterterrorism Headquarters (in Hebrew) // CountcrTcrrorism.aspx

6 Sometimes this body, referring to the data of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee, is mistakenly referred to as the Counter-Terrorism Committee [State of Israel], and not the Counter-Terrorism Headquarters [About the National Security Headquarters].

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Law on the General Security Service. 2002 (на иврите) // %D7%90%D7%95%D7%93%D7%95%D7%AA/shabak-law.pdf.

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About the National Security Headquarters (in Hebrew) // / Tcmplatcs/Establishmcnt. aspx.

Powers of the Ministry of Home Front Protection. The Knesset. Research center. Kiryat Ben Gurion, Jerusalem 91950. October 22, 2012 (

Website of the Home Front Command (in Hebrew) / / Home Front Command. Types of threats ( lntcrnational/315-ru/PAK. AR. aspx).

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Formation of the home front system in the State of Israel // Report Two, February 2007. Commission for Checking the readiness of the Home front to act in Emergency situations. Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee (in Hebrew) (

Chugunov E. G. International legal standards and norms in the area of counter-terrorism // Russian investigator. 2004. № 12.

Shabtai III. Kontseptsiya bezopasnosti Israelya - izuchenie osnovnykh terminov [Israel's Security Concept-clarification of basic terms]. Institute for the Study of National Security Issues 2010, August, No. 2, Vol. 13, issue 2 (in Hebrew) / / http://d26c8pvoto2x3r.cloudfront.nct/uploadimages/import/(file)1283417157. pdf.

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