Libmonster ID: U.S.-1676

China is actively strengthening its presence in the Middle East and on the African continent, which is due to both geopolitical interests and the growth of the country's economy. The "Arab Spring" of 2011 undermined this course, which resulted, in particular, in the reduction of the Chinese presence in Libya.

Keywords: China, Libya, "Arab spring".

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1978, bilateral cooperation between China and Libya has developed dynamically. In 2010, the trade turnover between the two countries increased by 26.7% compared to the level of 2009 and amounted to $ 6.58 billion. At the same time, China exported $ 2.06 billion worth of goods to Libya, while Libya exported $ 4.21 billion to China. [China-Libya relations..., 2011]. There was also a cultural exchange between the two countries. As of the end of 2010, 70 students from China were studying under the Chinese Islamic Association at the Libyan Islamic University [Chinese Ambassador to Libya..., 2010].

Even in the fourth quarter of 2010, there was no serious threat to bilateral cooperation. Thus, according to the Chinese Embassy in Libya, the seventh meeting of the China-Libya Trade Affairs Committee was held in August 2010, and the first meeting of the joint China-Libya Trade Affairs Council was held on December 27, 2010. The meeting was attended by senior Libyan and Chinese officials and 70 business representatives from both countries [Tripoli hosted the summit..., 2010]. At the end of 2010, the third meeting of the Sino-Arab Friendship Council 1 was held, which resulted in the adoption of the "Plan of Interaction between the Chinese and Arab peoples for 2011-2012" [The third summit of the Sino-Arab..., 2010].


In 2011, after the beginning of the revolutionary actions, relations entered a different band. Between February 22 and March 5, the Chinese government carried out "the largest-scale operation to evacuate its citizens from abroad." Chinese citizens were brought to their homeland by land, sea and air by 91 domestic charter flights, 12 military aircraft, 5 cargo ships, 1 escort ship, 35 international charter flights, 11 foreign passenger liners and 100 buses [Special Report: China's miracle Operation..., 2011]. A total of 35,860 Chinese citizens were evacuated from Libya [Sino-Libyan relations..., 2011]. Engineers and workers predominated among the evacuees.

According to the representative of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China Yao Jian, the damage caused to Chinese companies in Libya due to the armed conflict in this country is estimated at a total of $ 18.8 billion. [The conflict in Libya..., 2011]. From the beginning

1 26.10.2010.

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Before the end of the evacuation process, a total of 27 branches of Chinese construction companies were attacked and looted [China's Future in Africa..., 2011].

Let's look at two key areas of Chinese capital presence (which, however, are typical for the region as a whole):: the construction sector (construction of railways and highways, construction of telecommunications facilities and hydraulic structures) and the oil-producing sector.

In the period preceding the revolution, Chinese companies implemented 50 construction projects in Libya [China's Future in Africa..., 2011]. Before the beginning of the revolutionary events, 75 large Chinese companies worked in the country [Battle of China and the West..., 2011]. For example, the Beijing Hongfu construction Company signed a contract for the construction of 5 thousand square meters in Libya. residential buildings and infrastructure facilities. The total amount of the contract was $ 500 million, but Chinese builders managed to complete 40% of the work, while receiving only 25% of the contract amount [Battle of China and the West..., 2011]. China State Engineering Corporation was forced to abandon a half-completed housing project worth a total of $ 2.7 billion. Sinohydro is in a similar situation. China Railway Construction Corporation has been working on three railway construction projects with a total contract value of $ 4.2 billion, leaving $ 3.6 billion of work undone after the evacuation of personnel [China's Future in Africa..., 2011].

The presence of Chinese businesses in Libya declined in January-February 2011, i.e. before the evacuation. In particular, the number of contracts signed in two months decreased by 45.3% compared to the same period in 2010, and the volume of work performed-by 13.9%.

As for cooperation in the field of energy resources, where, according to published data, the losses of the largest state-owned Chinese oil company Petro China alone (at the time of the revolutionary events in Libya, there were a total of 391 employees of the company's branches and its oil-producing facilities [In the Chinese oil and gas company..., 2011]) in connection with the situation in Libya amounted to 1.2 billions of dollars. In addition to state-owned enterprises, private Chinese companies also suffered heavy losses in Libya [Battle of China and the West..., 2011].

Let's take a closer look at the issue of oil supplies from Libya to China. According to Xia Yishan, director of the Center for Strategic Energy Resources at the Institute for the Study of International Affairs of China, China imports 56% of crude oil [Will the war in Libya lead..., 2011]. In 2010, supplies from Libya did not exceed 3% of the total volume of oil imported by China [China's Degree of dependence..., 2011]. At the same time, Libya was potentially a promising region for the exploration of energy resources with the participation of Chinese companies, which expected to continue to invest in oil production and refining to support the PRC. According to experts, the depths of Libya hide 3% of all world hydrocarbon reserves and 40% of all African reserves. Only one third of the country's territory was covered by geological exploration [What awaits Libya..., 2011]. The cost of producing one barrel of oil in Libya is low.

The crisis situation in the Middle East as a whole may be unfavorable for China. Here is the opinion of the Inspector General of Finance of the China National Oil and Gas Corporation, Zhou Chunming: "... a plan is currently being developed to respond to the crisis due to regional unrest. China's competent authorities have already organized several thematic meetings. The strategic course, in general, is that we need to strengthen the work on exploration and production in the country, at the same time allocate new channels and organize new negotiations on cooperation, for example, with Russia and other developing countries-oil exporters" [The degree of China's dependence..., 2010].

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On March 17, 2011, the UN adopted Resolution No. 1973, which imposed a ban on all flights over Libya and opened up opportunities for foreign military intervention. On March 19, the operation of the coalition forces began, in which the United States, France, Great Britain, Spain, Italy, and Qatar participated [The Civil War in Libya..., 2011]. The resolution excluded only the entry of foreign ground forces. As you know, Russia, China, Germany, India and Brazil abstained from voting on the resolution, calling for "all necessary measures" to be taken to protect civilians.

According to the statement of China's Permanent Representative to the UN Li Baodong on March 17: "China supports the adoption by the UN Security Council of adequate and necessary measures to stabilize the situation in Libya as soon as possible and stop acts of violence against civilians. However, China has serious difficulties in implementing part of the UN Security Council resolution on the introduction of no-fly zones over Libya, so it abstained from voting" [Urgent: China has serious difficulties..., 2011]. The abstaining BRIC countries, despite the most favorable regime in the Libyan energy sector promised to them shortly before, took a wait-and-see attitude. A few days before the adoption of the resolution, Muammar Gaddafi called on the business circles of Russia, China and India to invest in Libyan oil and gas production. The proposal was made in Tripoli at a meeting with BRIC ambassadors [Gaddafi calls the countries..., 2011].

China's political choice was unclear until June 2011, when Chinese officials announced talks with Libyan rebels. A few days later, Libyan Foreign Minister Abdelati al-Obeidi went to China and held talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi [Libyan Foreign Minister..., 2011]. During the talks, the Chinese diplomat said, in particular, that the Libyan conflict should be resolved peacefully, and expressed concern about the threat of a humanitarian catastrophe in the country.

In the same month, the head of the Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC), Mahmoud Jibril, also paid a visit to China [China-Libya relations..., 2011]. During the visit, a meeting was held with Yang Jiechi. China expressed hope for a political settlement of the conflict and expressed its official position through the Minister:"...China is concerned that the crisis in Libya is still ongoing, and its people are suffering greatly from the military turmoil. He pointed to the continuous growth of the representation of the NTC of Libya and noted that the NTC is gradually becoming one of the important political forces in Libya, and China considers the NTC as an important dialogue party...". Mahmoud Jibril, for his part, promised to take the necessary measures to protect the security of the Chinese people in the zones under his control and the safety of the property of those operating in these zones enterprises with Chinese investments [Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi..., 2011]. This suggests that the preservation of the Chinese presence in Libya on a pre-revolutionary scale was a condition for the recognition of the NTC by the Chinese side.

In July 2011, Chen Xiaodong, Head of the Asia and Africa Department of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, visited Benghazi, where he met with Alem al-Issawi, Deputy Chairman of the Libyan National People's Congress Executive Commission, and a representative of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Executive Commission. According to him, the Chinese side paid great attention to the role of the NTC, considered it as an "important party in the dialogue", and wished to continue maintaining bilateral contacts and promote a speedy political solution to the Libyan crisis. NTC Foreign Affairs official Ahmed Jibril said: "China is a long-standing friend of the Libyan people, and the Chinese government has always maintained a fair position on the Libyan issue and always stands by the Libyan people.

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China, as one of the permanent members of the UN Security Council, plays an important role in resolving the Libyan crisis, which the NPC approves" [The NPC of Libya welcomes..., 2011]. In turn, the NPC chairman reiterated that their side "will protect the safety of the lives and property of Chinese citizens located in the territories they control" [Head of the Department of Asian and African Countries..., 2011]. Thus, there were no significant changes in the parties ' positions compared to the situation as of June 2011.

Later, on September 1, 2011, at the Friends of Libya conference in Paris, the Deputy Foreign Minister of the People's Republic of China met with the head of the Libyan National Assembly [China-Libya Relations..., 2011].

On September 12, the PRC announced the recognition of the NTC as the ruling authority and representative of the Libyan people, to which the official response of the Libyan side was soon received [Recording of the interview of the head of the department..., 2011]. This statement was preceded by a press conference of the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China Jiang Yu, which took place on September 5. In it, Jiang Yu outlined a clear foreign policy line pursued by China in relation to Libya: "The decision to recognize the NTC must be timely." The next meeting between the Chinese Foreign Minister and the head of the NPC took place on September 20 in New York after the diplomatic recognition. China's position has finally become clear. In the current situation, China's recognition of the NPC logically stemmed from its national interests in this country, including the restoration of the position of Chinese companies. According to Chinese analysts, by September 5, recognition of the NTC was impossible, since a number of issues had not been resolved between the PRC and Libya, including the fate of trade contracts and oil agreements signed with the Gaddafi government, as well as due to the so-called "one-China policy" [Editorial: China recognized..., 2011]. It took the PRC two weeks to discuss economic issues and China's interests in Libya. As soon as the parties came to an agreement, the recognition was received. On October 28, 2011, the Chinese Ambassador to Libya, Wang Wansheng, officially returned to Tripoli [Answers of the official representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry..., 2011].

As a result, the PRC took the following position:"...China is quite cautious about the two UN Security Council resolutions on Libya, as well as the recognition of the Transitional Council. However... Gaddafi's popularity is falling in the eyes of Libyans... The NTC receives more and more support from the Libyan people every day, as well as recognition from different countries around the world, and becomes the current government in Libya. China-Libya relations of friendship and cooperation are based on the friendship between the peoples of the two countries. No matter what political changes take place in Libya, China-Libya relations should not experience any shifts and vacuum, and friendship and cooperation between countries, as well as people-to-people contacts, should continue. The National Transitional Council acts in accordance with the aspirations of the people, so it has received the support of Libyans and the recognition of China. The timely recognition of Libya showed that the PRC respects the choice of the Libyan people, and also demonstrated the active position and policy of cooperation of the Chinese government on the development of relations with Libya " [Timely regulation..., 2011].

Chinese diplomacy did not stop at the successes achieved. Shortly after the diplomatic recognition, China began to strengthen its position in Libya, actively offering assistance in post-war reconstruction. According to Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Jiang Yu, "... Sino-Libyan relations will develop on a new basis " [Post-Gaddafi Era..., 2011]. On November 2, 2011, the representative of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations stated that " ... at present, Libya has entered a new historical period. China hopes that Libya will implement as soon as possible

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a tolerant political transition, protecting the unity of the people and the state, as well as in the near future will lead to social stability and begin political and economic recovery. The international community must continue to work together to support Libya's political transition and post-war reconstruction. China's position on issues related to the International Criminal Tribunal has not changed..."[Speech of the Deputy Permanent Representative of the People's Republic of China to the UN..., 2011]. As reported by the People's Daily: "As a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, China intends to work with the international community to take an active position in addressing the consequences of the unrest in Libya, restoring it and returning it to the international arena" [China and Libya..., 2011]. It is interesting to quote excerpts from on-line dialogues of Li Shaoxian, Deputy Director of the Chinese Academy of Modern International Relations and an expert on Middle East issues with Internet users: "China always supports the choice of the Libyan people... China recently provided 50 million yuan in humanitarian aid to the Libyan people.2 But China and the West are different, China is against external military intervention, because military intervention only leads to a complication of the situation in Libya. Examples are Afghanistan and Iraq." Li Shaoxian believes that in the "post-Gaddafi era", the consequences of Western military intervention will gradually manifest themselves. Military intervention has political and economic objectives. By demanding that Libya follow a certain path, the West is counting on access to Libya's oil and gas resources. According to Li Shaoxian, the Libyan people will soon feel this. According to him, the relations between China and the NPC are mutually beneficial. Libya's stability largely depends on external support. According to Li Shaoxian, the role of China cannot be ignored [Li Shaoxian..., 2011].

No less than the West, China's interest in Libyan oil resources is obvious. However, it is impossible not to agree with the statement about the mutually beneficial nature of China-Libya relations. There are many reasons to strengthen them. This is an opportunity for the new Libyan government to create a counterweight to Western countries in the region, which will open the way for a more independent policy, and prospects for receiving Chinese investment, and, finally, the flexible policy of the Chinese leadership in relation to various regimes. According to Professor Mao Yufeng, who deals with China's relations with the Middle East, another important reason for establishing relations with China should be considered the international position of the PRC and its veto power in the UN Security Council. The challenge for China, in his opinion, is to avoid contradictions with members of the international community, as well as to find a balance between foreign policy interests and domestic policy. A Chinese researcher asks what position the world community would take in the event of unrest in the PRC [Post-Gaddafi Era..., 2011] 3.

Finally, we should not forget about another, perhaps even more important aspect of the issue that influenced the policy of the PRC during the Libyan revolution. China, in view of its dependence on oil imports from countries that are larger than Libya, suppliers from the Arab East, it is vital to maintain stable relations with the League of Arab States as a whole [China's degree of dependence..., 2010].

$ 2,7.7 million.

3 Several analysts have drawn attention to an attempt by unknown organizers to hold demonstrations in 13 major Chinese cities on February 20, 2011, similar to the wave of demonstrations in the Middle East. A similar message was posted on a Chinese website registered in the United States. Several human rights defenders were arrested in China immediately after these calls were issued. Police later detained three people in Shanghai. However, in general, the call for mass protests did not find much response.

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It is obvious that the revolutionary events in Libya were both a struggle for the redistribution of power and influence (not only regionally, but more importantly, globally), and an attempt to change the situation on the global energy market. China's presence in both Libya and the region as a whole has been and continues to be the subject of close attention from third countries. Given the latest trends in global development, this is not surprising. It is China that is able to create a powerful counterbalance to the presence of other powers in the Arab East and the African continent, which is due to many factors. The Libyan Revolution has affected the interests of world players in different ways. China's position has been shaken in the field of investment by large state and private companies, and to a lesser extent in the field of energy supplies. Beijing is returning to pre-revolutionary positions and strengthening its ties with Libya.

list of literature

China and the West's battle for Africa's natural resources // Военное обозрение (03.10.2011) / http://topwar. ru/7309-bitva-kitaya-i-zapada-za-prirodnye-rcsursy-afriki.html

China's Future in Africa after the events in Libya / / The Financial Times (04.03.2011) / http:/ /

The Chinese oil and gas company Petrochina is taking all necessary measures to evacuate employees of its enterprises located in Libya / / People's Daily (24.02.2011).

Third summit of the China-Arab Friendship Council held in Libya / / Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Libya /

Tripoli hosted a summit on promoting cooperation between enterprises (in Chinese) / / Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Libya (2010) /

Head of the Department of Asian and African Countries of the Chinese Foreign Ministry Chen Xiaodong visited Benghazi / / People's Daily (07.07.2011).

Libyan Foreign Minister goes to China /

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on the need for a political settlement of the crisis in Libya / / People's Daily (23.06.2011) /

Civil war in Libya / / RBC /

Recording of the interview of the head of the Department Lu Shaoe to correspondents of the French magazine " Qingnian Fcizhou "(in Chinese) / / Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China (21.10.2011) /

Gaddafi calls BRIC countries to Libya // World of Finance (14.03.2011) /С0%2С0%2С0%2С0%2С0%2С0%2С0%2С0%2С0%2С0

Sino-Libyan Relations (in Chinese) / / Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China (2011) /

China and Libya will promote the stable transition of bilateral relations to a new direction of development / / People's Daily (14/09/2011) /

The conflict in Libya caused damage to Chinese companies in the amount of $ 18.8 billion / / RIA Novosti (23.03.2011).

Li Shaoxian: China's great role in building a new Libya / / People's Daily (25/08/2011) /

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Chinese Ambassador to Libya returns to Tripoli (in Chinese) / / Chinese News Portal /

Libya's NPC welcomes China's view of it as an important part of the dialogue / / People's Daily (24.06.2011) /

Answers of the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China Jiang Yu to journalists ' questions about the return of the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Libya (in Chinese) / / Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China /

The Chinese Ambassador to Libya organized a Chinese New Year celebration for Chinese students studying in Libya (in Chinese) / / Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Libya /

Will the war in Libya lead to an oil shortage? // Voice of Russia /

Editorial: China recognizes the Transitional Council of Libya (in Chinese) / / Chinese News Portal /Е5%85%ВЗ%Е7%ВЗ%ВВ

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Speech by the Deputy Permanent Representative of the People's Republic of China to the UN, Ambassador Wang Ming, delivered after the report of the International Criminal Court on the Libyan issue was heard at the UN (in Chinese) / / Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China /

Timely regulation of China's policy towards Libya indicates a mature and stable diplomatic style of the PRC / / People's Daily (13/09/2011) /сп/95181/7594188.html

Urgent: China has serious difficulties related to the implementation of part of the UN Security Council resolution - Chinese diplomat / / People's Daily (18.03.2011).

China's dependence on crude oil imports exceeds the threshold of 50% for the first time / / Business in China (12.04.2010) /

What awaits Libya? // Russian Federation today. No. 7, April 2011.

Post-Gaddafi Era: How the development of China-Libya Relations will continue (in Chinese) / / Chinese News Portal/

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