On March 8-13, 1976, the Soviet-Swedish Historians ' Symposium was held in Stockholm. It was organized by the Royal Academy of Humanities, the Swedish Institute for Cultural and scientific relations between Sweden and other countries, and the National Committee of Historians of the Soviet Union on the Soviet side. The Soviet delegation consisted of: Academician E. M. Zhukov (head of the delegation), corresponding member. Academy of Sciences of the USSR Yu. A. Polyakov, acad. A. A. Drizul, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR. Kakhk, E. I. Agayan, V. I. Buganov, Yu.V. Kudrina, G. A. Nekrasov, V. V. Roginsky, S. S. Khromov, O. V. Chernysheva. Swedish participants of the forum represented various research centers: the universities of Stockholm, Gothenburg, Lund, as well as the Royal Swedish Academy of Humanities. At the official opening of the symposium, the report of the former Swedish Ambassador to the USSR G. Jarring "Culture of Swedish prisoners of war in Siberia in the first half of the XVIII century"was heard. The speaker elaborated on the research activities in the field of geography, ethnography, and linguistics of Siberia of Swedish prisoners of war, among whom were many educated people who were exiled by the tsarist government during the Northern War to settle in Tobolsk province. When they returned home after the Peace of Nystad in 1721, the publication of materials about their research helped to arouse interest in the study of Siberia. G. Yarring especially noted the merits of F. I. Stralenberg 1 (whose 300th birthday will be celebrated in Sweden this year), who published a map of Russia and the "Great Tartary" in 1730. the book "Historical and geographical description of the northern and eastern parts of Europe and Asia". The works of F. I. Stralenberg, K. G. Shulman, I. G. Renat and others on ancient Turkic texts, the Kalmyk language, and their creation of maps of Central Asia stimulated and encouraged European researchers in ... Read more

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