Study guide for students higher educational institutions
The course of ancient Russian literature occupies a special place in the system of philological education. With it, in fact, the cycle of historical and literary disciplines begins. The overwhelming majority of monuments are discovered by first-year students for the first time. Therefore, when mastering the material, the role of the publication is especially important, forming the culture of perception of ancient Russian works, the skills of their interpretation. At the end of 2003, the handbook for universities "Old Russian Literature of the XI-XVII centuries" (edited by V. I. Korovin) was published. It appears to meet these pressing requirements. The book was prepared by a team of authors, including well-known medievalists of the Department of Russian Literature of Moscow State Pedagogical University, students of Professor N. I. Prokofiev-L. A. Olshevskaya, N. V. Trofimova, A.V. Karavashkin and S. N. Travnikov.
The manual develops the traditions of well-known university textbooks on the history of literature of Ancient Russia. Its creators were able to summarize the most important achievements of literary science of the past century, which turned out to be the most productive in terms of studying the book heritage of the XI-XVII centuries. At the end of the 20th century, specialists and students became available not only fundamental reference books, dictionaries, and encyclopedias, but also multi-volume publications of ancient texts with detailed commentaries and translations. All this changed the situation with providing the educational process with books, concretized the tasks related to the systematic presentation of the history of Russian medieval literature. That is why the authors rightly focused primarily on the problems of poetics of ancient Russian literature, the formation and evolution of genre forms, and the means of traditional pictorial art.
The structure of the book and the grouping of the mat ...
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