"I BRING YOU MY DREAM...". About the poetry of N. N. Matveeva
2004 marks the 70th anniversary of Novella Nikolaevna Matveeva ,a poet, bard, and translator. It stands at the origins of the bard song along with B. Okudzhava, Y. Vizbor, M. Ancharov. In the 60s, this genre became a popular form of spiritual communication between people of different professions, bright "singing poets" appeared: V. Vysotsky, A. Galich, A. Gorodnitsky, A. Yakusheva, Yu. Kukin, E. Klyachkin, O. Mityaev, Yu. Kim. Their lyrical voice was distinguished by sincerity, confession, and a romantic attitude. Thanks to the help of K. Chukovsky and M. Atabekyan, in 1966 the company "Melody" Matveeva released the first CD of the author's song in our country. Giant discs with 15-20 songs each, as well as floppy disks, continued to appear in the following years. The voice of the performer, soft but brave, high, almost childlike, does not change over the years, evokes a piercing feeling of inner purity, naturalness and at the same time dramatic fullness. S. Marshak, V. Chivilikhin, N. Starshinov, D. Kugultinov took part in the creative fate of the poetess. Since 1963, her husband Ivan Semenovich Kiuru, also endowed with the gift of poetry, a friend and co-author, who died in 1992, was next to her. Matveeva composed page 31 music and his poems: "Vardane", "Koni", "Roscha zaalela", "Tabor", "Melody for guitar", "Moi Voronenok", etc. As you know, the bard's song is a synthetic genre: in it, the talent of a poet and a composer, a performer and a singer are inseparable. If in a pop song the musical side is primarily important, then in a bard song, according to B. Okudzhava, it is the text, its quality that determines both the music and the manner of performance. However, Matveeva has a different approach to her work: "I have a song because it has its own melody from the very beginning, which, as a rule, appears to me before the words... In general, the words of my songs are unthinkable without a melody. Song lyrics for me are only conclusions from music" (see: Bardovskay ... Read more

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"I BRING YOU MY DREAM...". About the poetry of N. N. Matveeva

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