"If an aphorism is a well-edited novel, then a dot is a well-edited aphorism."
S. Sidorov (Lit. newspaper. 2001. N 19-20).
In the literature devoted to the study of small comic genres, a joking aphorism is mentioned, which is defined as "a concise statement of generalized content, characterized by a collision in one context of concepts between which unexpected semantic connections arise that are not noticed as a result of a logical view of things" (Shchurina Yu. V. Speech genres of the comic / / Genres of speech: Collection of scientific articles. Saratov, 1999, p. 152).
Currently, this small comic genre is widely distributed in Russian-language newspapers, but its popularity is limited.-
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the geography and specifics of functioning in this area remain unexplored. In this article, we will give only a brief description of the varieties of humorous aphorism that exist in newspaper texts "on the rights" of autonomous statements.
A humorous maxim (a maxim is "a type of aphorism, a short generally significant utterance, mainly of moral content, in an expressive or imperative form." - Literary Encyclopedia. p. 375): "Modesty adorns, but leaves the hungry" (Your Dodyr. 2001. N 23); " The salt of life is that it is not sugar "(Your Dodyr. 2001. N 51);" In the life of every person there may come a time when any paper becomes valuable " (Kome. truth. 2000. July 16); "To know your own worth, you must sell yourself" (AIF. 2000. N 3); "You can take everything from life only from others" (Lit. gazeta. 2001. N 19-20); "Love your neighbor, but do not forget to embrace the distant in a kindred way" (Lit. gazeta. 2001. N 48).
Since it is considered that the aphoristic genres of maxims and maxims "differ in their theoretical and practical orientation, require consent or execution, contain a conclusion or prescription" (Literary Encyclopedia, p. 43), the last three of the above examples can be considered joking maxims.
A genre that is close to a joking maxim, even a variation of ...
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