Despite the fact that the number of scientific papers devoted to Russian pronouns is constantly growing, this class of words is still quite "difficult" for researchers, compilers of explanatory dictionaries, and teachers and teachers. Most often, disputes between scientists arise in connection with the solution of two main issues. The first one concerns the nature of the lexical meaning of pronouns. Some researchers consider it completely abstract, others, on the contrary, absolutely concrete, and still others say that the pronoun has no lexical meaning, about the "grammatical" nature of the meaning of pronouns.
The second question, which is closely related to the first one , is about the position of pronouns in the system of parts of speech of the Russian language. In some cases (in particular, in the school grammatical tradition), the pronoun is considered one of the significant (independent) parts of speech, in others - it is referred to as "semi - significant" vocabulary or even official words, in others-the pronoun is generally denied the status of a special part of speech and pronominal words are distributed according to different lexical and grammatical categories.
From time to time, the scientific literature revives the opinion about the "formality" of the pronoun, about the proximity of pronouns to service words, and about the lack of lexical meaning for words of this class. (We will refer to the works of: Buslaev F. I. Historical grammar of the Russian language, Moscow, 1959; Ovsyaniko Kulikovsky D. N. Syntax of the Russian language, St. Petersburg, 1902; Shakhmatov A. A. Syntax of the Russian language, L., 1941; Tenier L. Osnovy strukturnogo sintaksa [Fundamentals of structural syntax], Moscow, 1988; Katsnelson S. D. Word content, meaning and designation, Moscow-L., 1965; Zhirmunsky V. M. O prirode chaste rechi i ikh klassifikatsii // Voprosy teorii chast ' rechi na materiale yazykov razlichnykh tipov [Issues of the theory of parts of speech based on the ...
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