Russian Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Science. Dmitry's University
Pozharsky; Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 2010, 457 p.
A. M. Fomin set himself the task of identifying the role of the Eastern question in the development of Anglo-French relations in 1918-1923 and thus showing its influence on the formation of a new international order. The author is not an Orientalist, but such a statement of the problem is certainly of interest from an Oriental point of view, since it allows us to take a fresh look at the role of the Middle East in the post-war settlement issues, to identify its independent, and in certain cases decisive role in the events in Europe after the First World War.
A. M. Fomin is well acquainted with the historiography that preceded his work, which deals with the Middle East problem in the politics of France and Great Britain in the first quarter of the 20th century. This is evidenced by the extensive review of Russian, English - and French-language historiography given by him in the introduction. At the same time, the author should pay attention to N. G. Kireev's book "History of Turkey" (Moscow, 2007), which is not included in the historiographic section of the monograph, since it deals with many issues raised in the peer-reviewed study.
In his work, A. M. Fomin tried to highlight those aspects of the problem under study that are controversial or poorly studied in the history of international relations in the Middle East after the First World War: the issues of dividing Anglo-French influence in Syria, the problems of Palestine, the policy of the great powers towards national minorities of the former Ottoman Empire, the diplomatic history of the Turkey, the issue of the Black Sea Straits. These aspects are analyzed in detail by the author in each of the five chapters of the monograph.
From the very beginning of his research, A. M. Fomin does not limit himself to studying Anglo-French relations in the Middle E ...
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