To the Blessed Memory of Vladimir Ivanovich Bukharin The term "skaz" refers to several different (and partly interrelated) concepts: the genre of Russian folklore-folk tales, and all sorts of stylizations of a folk-poetic word (for example, Lermontov's "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young oprichnik and a dashing merchant Kalashnikov"), and the manner in which storytellers perform epics. However, we will be interested in another meaning of this term - a fairy tale as an original form of speech organization of a literary work. The predicate text is built on the principle of imitating the oral spontaneous and relaxed - actually colloquial monologue of the subject of the utterance-the narrator. It should be noted that it is the narrator, since the tale recreates the "live" and original speech activity (and thus the individual consciousness) not of the author, but of the hero portrayed by the author! For example, the non-authorial nature of the predicate monologues is evident in N. V. Gogol's tales of Rudy Pank, M. Zoshchenko's "Tales of Mr. Sinebryukhov", and V. Belov's "Bukhtins of Vologda". However, fantastic works in prose are well known to readers and thoroughly researched by experts. It is significant that even today, when speaking about the predicate principle of speech production, scientists usually mean prose texts, and a poetic fairy tale is usually not isolated from the general concept of "role-playing lyrics". Meanwhile, fantastic works in poetry are no less interesting and original layer of Russian literature. What is a Russian poetic tale and what are the most important features of its poetics? If the principle of the story as such is to create an image of " nepo- page 19 If a person who is" socially determined "(separated from the author) is not a mediocre speaker, then a poetic story involves the implementation of the narrator's colloquial speech in verse form. In other words, a poetic tale can be defined as a poem that embodies someone else's consc ... Read more

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