Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011, 496 p.
(History of the countries of the East. XX century)
Published by the Institute of Oriental Studies series " History of the countries of the East. XX century" was supplemented not only with a good, but, I would say, an excellent book by Yu. O. Levtonova " History of the Philippines. XX century".
The 20th century in the history of this country is clearly marked: 1901-the annexation of the archipelago by the United States of America, 2000-the beginning of 2001-an acute crisis of power and a change of presidents. Other Southeast Asian countries with the same accuracy (up to a year!) the arrival of the XX century and parting with it can not boast. In general, the Philippines is a unique country in the region: it is a Christian country, the first to become a colony, which survived the anti-colonial revolution at the end of the XIX century (in most Southeast Asian countries this happened only after the Second World War).
I will note several cardinal features of the monograph. First, it is the result of many years of research by Yu. O. Levtonova on Philippine history and modernity. The author has creatively interpreted and used the works of both domestic, Filipino, and Western scientists, as well as her own observations and conversations with Filipino and American researchers, publicists, and politicians during her visits to the Philippines and the United States. Throughout the book (especially in the chapters devoted to the history of the Philippines after 1945), the author agrees or polemics with domestic and foreign researchers, consistently pursuing his point of view, which makes the presentation and conclusions of the monograph very convincing and reasonable. As a result, a deeply grounded, highly independent work has been created, which can be safely placed in the first row of modern world Filipino studies. Secondly, the author was able to show (and, of course, understand) the deep c ...
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