Word semantics in document names
In the XVI-XVII centuries, the main role in compiling and changing the names of documents is played by semantic changes, and they are so significant that well-known words begin a new life. Most of these cases occur in the names of legal acts, as well as actions related to office management. The action name is gradually expanding its scope of application, and it is moving into the range of words related to document management, but independent documents do not appear yet. In some documents, there are references to the new activities of the clerk's office. Before the original text with the new name appeared, we find references to acts of Completion, Inspection, Refusal, Subscription, and a number of similar ones. Some of them appear later as the name of a separate text. In any case, the question of the time of appearance of a new act or document interests the researcher, and he seeks to distinguish in business and other texts the names of just actions, records of the fact of action, or the names of new acts or new documents. Identifying self-names in early texts allows us to present the document and document management system in the princely and clerical offices as fully as possible in terms of content and time. We will try to identify and list cases when it is possible to say with sufficient certainty that the text does not just name an action, but mentions a document or an independent text of a business letter that has a self-name that has developed due to the definition of the action itself.- page 74 a separate legal act or clerical or clerical action, Against the fact that we are dealing with a document, with an act that has not yet become one or will not become one later, the mention of the word of interest in another document may speak. Let's name some of the cases when a certain action is recorded in a document with a different self-name: "... and we made an agreement on the disputed lands of Sebezhsky... "(1566); "And according to the agreement with the tselova ... Read more

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