What's their street name?
This question is often heard in the villages of the north of the Lipetsk region, and it concerns the so-called street, unofficial, undocumented surnames. Probably, there is no place in Russia where namesakes and namesakes would not live. Under such conditions, native speakers-and especially members of small, closed village societies-have developed a rich system of face differentiation. One of its most specific links is street surnames. Little has been written about such anthroponyms in the onomastic literature, and this largely explains the differences in terms and in their understanding. So, there is a concept of a nickname surname as an unofficial one formed from a nickname (Shchetinin L. M. Words, names, things. Ros-tov-n / D., 1966; Podolskaya N. V. Dictionary of Russian onomastic Terminology, Moscow, 1978). "Sometimes peculiar nicknames-surnames are used, that is, names given in the order of nicknames, but externally formed as surnames" (Zinin S. I., Superanskaya A.V. On the collection of anthroponymic material v SSSR // Voprosy uzbekskoy i russkoy filologii [Issues of Uzbek and Russian Philology]. Issue 412. Tashkent, 1971. The italics are ours. - L. M.) Some researchers call anthroponyms like Kurikhina family nicknames (Vanyushechkin V. T. Semantic and word-forming structure of dialect nicknames // Onomastics of the Volga region. Gorky, 1971. Issue 2). Many scientists use the term "Russian language" for their research. - page 100 mi unofficial, street surname (Isaeva T. A. Morphemic types and geography of unofficial surnames of the Gorky region // Onomastics of the Volga region. Ufa, 1973. Issue 3; Danilina E. F. Surniya v govore [Surname in the dialect]. Ryazan, 1979) or street, unofficial and selected surnames (Nikulina Z. P. Onomastic family nominations in Russian dialects // Sixth Conference on Onomastics of the Volga region. Volgograd, 1989). Sometimes the term street surname acts as a synonym for a nickname, village surname (Superanskaya A.V., Suslova A ... Read more

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