When reading classics, the perception of unfamiliar words is limited to the nearest meaning. Faced, for example, with the words fular, dressing gown, it is not difficult to guess that we are talking about clothes. The further meaning, that is, the individual characteristics of these objects remain unclear. But it is precisely the understanding of details that is evidence of a genuine reader's culture, respect for the writer's work.
When studying the works of N. S. Leskov, such attention to each word is especially important.A. S. Orlov in the book" The Language of Russian Writers " emphasized: "Leskov is characterized by acute observation with the identification of the characteristic, typical, accurate observation in detail, the expression of all details in terms that exist in everyday life or specialty, and not far-fetched and, moreover, plastically corresponding to reality, no matter what field of phenomena it is not about. The result is speech pictures that are true to time, place, condition and other determinants and strikingly convey the originality of the author's impressions and the purpose of his influence" (M.-L., 1948). V. Y. Troitsky notes that Leskov is characterized by a close study of the "situational" material, a special interest in the historical, ethnographic and social aspects of reality, to everyday "fables" and stories that reflected the characteristic features of the worldview of the people among whom they lived. Moreover, the writer believes that in order to correctly judge people and their characters, "you can only look at them through the eyes of the very environment where they work miracles."
Let's turn to the famous novel "Soboryane". The wife of Archpriest Tuberozov prepares his evening toilet:".. .Mother Archpriest brought in a white pique dressing-gown and a large crimson foulard. The bed was made up for Father Protopop on a large, rather hard sofa made of Karelian birch. The headboard was open: a white dressing gown was spread out over t ...
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