In the Russian language there is a group of structurally identical phraseological units with the meaning of the highest intensity of the action attribute: at the top of my voice, at the top of my lungs, at the top of my lungs, at the top of my lungs, at the top of my lungs, at the top of my lungs, at the top of my lungs. The formal feature of this group is the generalizing component "all". Their use in colloquial speech and in a literary text implies the presence of an accompanying verb with a specific procedural meaning. Usually, the choice does not cause difficulties for a native speaker, a significant component of phraseology dictates the choice of the accompanying verb. For example: full width as a phraseological unit and as a free combination suggests a visual-perceptual situation - what is "in front of the eyes": "Now you could see the road in its full width, bales, shafts, chewing horses; on the other side another cross loomed indistinctly" page 52 (Chekhov. Steppe). The figurative component is accompanied by the verbs see, open, unfold, spread out. At the top of your lungs, at the top of your throat, at the top of your voice, sound accompaniments suggest: shout, yell, yell. At full speed, at full speed, at full spirit are connected with the internal form of physical movement of a living being and escorts to run, rush, rush, etc.: "Berestov and stremyanny shouted at the top of their voices, let the dogs go and then galloped at full speed "(Pushkin. Young lady-peasant). Phraseology moves the meanings of most of the accompanying words to the full extent into the mental sphere of the figure, and, according to dictionaries, divides them into two groups that are far away in semantics: 1) punish; 2) have fun, celebrate, fall in love, live (Mokienko V. M. Dictionary of Russian Phraseology. Historical and etymological reference book, St. Petersburg, 1998, p. 254). Its indefinite internal form is not related to the physical sensations of a person. The image has faded ... Read more

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