Vital or mundane?
The use of these adjectives in terms of their compatibility with nouns often causes difficulties and questions. This is primarily due to some inconsistency and inaccuracy of their interpretation in dictionaries: in some explanatory dictionaries (edited by D. N. Ushakov, MAC, "Russian Explanatory Dictionary" by V. V. and L. E. Lopatin), two meanings of the word vital are distinguished, in others (BAS, S. I. Ozhegov's dictionary) - three. in some cases, the word vital is included in the definition of the meaning of the word everyday and, conversely, everyday is used to interpret one of the semantic shades of the word vital. This creates the appearance of their synonymity and, accordingly, the possibility of interchanging (without compromising the meaning), although in reality everything is not so simple. The situation is also complicated by the need to give references to the word life, which is distinguished by polysemy, when interpreting these paronyms. Let us first consider the peculiarities of using the adjective vital. After analyzing a lot of factual material, we came to the conclusion that in fact there is no need (especially for the general reader) to distinguish two or three meanings of this adjective, since this division is largely artificial. It is enough to give one detailed definition of the main meaning, while noting its additional semantic connotation. So, vital - " connected with life, with the surrounding reality, socially significant; close to life, to reality, typical, characteristic of it." At the same time, it is very important to indicate those nouns that are usually used with this adjective in the specified meaning: resources, needs, forces, processes, field, space, conditions, circumstances, level, standards, incentive, experience, path, plans, observations, wisdom, necessity, views, views, ideals, position, philosophy, priorities, credo, themes, questions, problems, phenomena, contradictions, tragedy, deadlock, shock, disappointment, adversity, ... Read more

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Vital or mundane?

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