V. G. Belinsky on foreign language vocabulary
Foreign language vocabulary in the Russian context has long been the subject of numerous disputes. As is well known, M. V. Lomonosov did not introduce it into the theory of three "calms", and A. S. Shishkov and his supporters insisted on expelling foreign words from the Russian language and replacing them with corresponding Russian analogues. So, in his famous work "Reasoning about the old and new syllables of the Russian language" A. S. Shishkov used only one foreign word, and then in parentheses - namely "parrot", which he called "pereklitkoyu" in Russian. N. M. Karamzin and his supporters allowed the possibility of using foreign words in the Russian language. within reasonable limits. The struggle between the followers of Shishkov and Karamzin did not leave anyone involved in Russian literature indifferent. Naturally, the problem of using foreign words in the Russian context could not help but interest the "Pushkin of Russian Criticism" of the XIX century V. G. Belinsky. For the first time this question was raised by him in 1834 in the article "Literary Dreams", where, speaking about the Petrine era, the critic noted that "the people noticed with surprise and horror that foreign customs had broken into them and ... distorted and marred their virgin language" (V. G. Belinsky, Poln. sobr. op. M., 1953. Vol. 1. P. 39. Further-only volume and page). And in his further research, V. G. Belinsky wrote that new "alien" words terrify and confuse not only ordinary readers, "but even written literary scholars, theorists of the elegant, and especially rhetoricians" (2, 372). V. G. Belinsky's position on the expediency of using foreign words denoting new concepts was most clearly expressed by him in polemics with literary and political opponents - the pro-government journalist F. Bulgarin, the trustee of the Moscow school district D. Golokhvastov, and the Slavophil publicist Yu.Samarin. For the first time, the critic touched upon this issue in the publication "Journal Note" i ... Read more

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V. G. Belinsky on foreign language vocabulary

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