The fifth Conference of the European Association for South - East Asian Studies (EuroSEAS) was organized by the University of Naples "L'Orientale" under the leadership of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Conference P. Masina and the Board of the Association headed by P.-I. Man-
page 175Geng, Chairman of EuroSEAS from 2004 to 2007. The conference was held from 11 to 15 September 2007 in Naples. It was attended by more than 400 scientists from European countries, as well as from Southeast Asian countries, Japan, India, China, Australia, the United States and Brazil.
The conference was divided into 38 sections with a wide variety of topics: "Spiritualized modernity: religions of prosperity and the politics of cultural identity in modern Asia"; "Political economy of new regionalism in East Asia"; "Tradition and innovation: disputes about the South-East Asian representation"; "Demonstrating desire in public spaces"; "South-East Asian collections in European museums"; "The concept of the "East" in law and Justice administration"; "Public networks and the transition to Southeast Asia: empirical, methodological and theoretical issues"; "National identity, local medicine and the appropriation of the therapeutic field"; "The State and lawlessness in Indonesia"; "Interethnic Activism in Southeast Asia"; "AIDS in Southeast Asia and China: Recent Achievements and New Changes"; "Public Views on Natural Disasters in Southeast Asia"; "Normalization of Religion in Southeast Asia"; "Ten Years after the Asia-Pacific Financial Crisis"; "Politeness and Public Relations in Southeast Asia"; " Literature - cinema and visual arts: visibility and transition of genres"; "round table ""Teaching Southeast Asian languages at European universities: state of affairs, prospects and prospects". ways for bilateral / multilateral cooperation"; "Nations and Imagination"; "Living in Memory: Homes, History, and the Social / Natural Environment in Southeast Asia"; "Slaves in the Inscription ...
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