On December 29, 2009, the Ural-Altaic Languages Department of the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences hosted a presentation of the first issue of the Ural-Altaic Studies journal for 2009. The decision to create it was made at the conference " Comparative Historical Linguistics. Altaistics. Turkologiya" (June 4-7, 2009, Moscow). The necessity and importance of its creation became obvious after the LII session of PIAC (2009). The session was widely presented research on Altaic languages and scripts, which are conducted in the PRC and Taiwan. These two events brought together scientists who had achieved considerable success in this field of knowledge, but were extremely poorly informed about the general state of affairs in the study of Uralic and Altaic languages, as well as about each other's occupation. Participants of both meetings expressed their interest in creating a magazine accessible to all Ural-Altaists.
In our country, the idea of combining the creative efforts of Altaists emerged in the first decades of the XX century. On the initiative of A. N. Samoilovich, prominent Orientalists V. V. Radlov, V. V. Barthold, B. Ya. Vladimirtsov, V. L. Kotvich, and others organized a private circle of Altaists (Turkic-Mongolian-Manchu) in V. V. Radlov's apartment on September 12, 1915. The tasks of the circle were: association and coordination of scientific research; summing up results; development of research programs; collective discussion of fundamental problems. At the meetings of the circle, for example, B. Y. Vladimirtsov's report on the relationship of the Turkic, Mongolian and Manchu languages was discussed. In 1919, on the anniversary of V. V. Radlov's death, the circle became officially known as Radlovsky, headed by V. V. Barthold.
In modern conditions, when interest in Ural-Altaism has been renewed by new generations of researchers, the tasks of unification and coordination are especially important. For this purpose, the journal "Ural-Alt ...
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