The word "sacrament" and the sacrament of the word
In 2001, E. I. Nosov, a veteran novelist, was awarded the Solzhenitsyn Literary Prize. In E. I. Nosov's prose, vocabulary, rhythm, and sound recording are all directed to the main image, which is the innermost core of the work, "the image of images," as A. Potebni put it. Let's try to use lexical and stylistic analysis to get into the deep author's idea of the story "Red Wine of Victory". Researchers have already written about the semantics of color in this amazing work ("Russian Speech". 1985. N 3). Indeed, it is impossible not to notice that the war in the story is given dark and gray roles.- page 30 tenki: "gray dugouts", "earthy-gray linen" (here and further italics are ours. - SM ). "We were picked up in the Masurian swamps... This was already the enemy's land. We walked along it only a short distance, through this strange, dreary area, with thickets of stunted heather on sandy hills "(Here and further cit. by: Nosov E. I. And steamboats float away, Moscow, 1975). Although the color is not always specified directly, the overall color is maintained: "It was rumored that in our direction, among these gloomy swamps, Hitler had set up his main headquarters - an underground concrete lair." In the memoirs of the wounded narrator, the harsh colors of war are preserved, but the reducing comparison makes the enemy disgustingly undaunted: "In their short black jackets, like cockroaches, the Germans, quickly moving their hands and feet, climbed on all fours along the steep slope of the lake dune." And as they scrambled "in their insect frenzy", "we hit them with dumps from three hundred meters away, and the shells disappeared without a trace in the thickness of the sand." Let's pay special attention to the fact that at first the narrator does not call anyone around him by name, without singling out himself from among the fighters: everywhere the cathedral we are triumphant. The army has not yet broken up into units, and the popular definition of "gray cattle" involuntaril ... Read more

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The word "sacrament" and the sacrament of the word

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