The legend of the soul of the Hawk Moth, narrated by F. I. Buslaev
Foreword and publication by O. V. Nikitin The name and works of the remarkable Russian scientist Fyodor Ivanovich Buslaev left a bright mark on the national culture of the country. The son of a district court clerk, F. I. Buslaev spent his childhood in the vicinity of Penza, where in 1833 he graduated from the gymnasium, and later from the verbal department of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow University. It was there, in the walls of the alma mater, that he passionately fell in love with Russian literature and art, which he remained devoted to throughout his life. F. I. Buslaev traveled abroad more than once, studying the works of the classics of world science V. Humboldt and J. Grimm, as well as enthusiastically engaged in archeology and art history. In 1848, he published his master's thesis, which was the fruit of deep reflection on a very complex and interesting problem- " On the influence of Christianity on the Slavic language. Experience of language history based on the Ostromir Gospel". A special place in his scientific heritage is occupied by works about his native language. The books that have already become classics: "On the teaching of the Russian language "(1844)," Experience of historical grammar of the Russian language "(1863) and" Historical Anthology of Church Slavonic and Old Russian Languages " (1861) - far outstripped modern scientific and methodological thought, enriching it with new approaches, and significantly expanded the understanding of the literature of the pre-Petrine time. In 1840-1860, F. I. Buslaev was a prominent representative of the Russian mythological school. Together with P. N. Rybnikov, A. I. Afanasyev, and A. A. Kotlyarevsky, he considers folk poetry in unity with literature, art, and culture. At the same time, he collaborates in literary and critical journals, he owns works on the history of Western European painting and ornament, and his last work - "Russian Facial Apocalypse" - brought the scientist world fame. Today, in s ... Read more

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The legend of the soul of the Hawk Moth, narrated by F. I. Buslaev

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