The image of water space in the works of I. S. Turgenev
Among the" cross-cutting " images and motifs of Turgenev's poetics, the image of water space is one of the most noticeable. It is often found in the writer's works of various genres, often appearing in episodes that represent dramatic or even tragic moments in the lives of the characters. The image of the water element varies in individual works, taking on a different appearance. It can be a river, pond, or sea. Water can be calm, calm, or fast-flowing, agitated, stormy, or threatening. It is possible to simply mention a real body of water, on the bank of which the action takes place or one of its moments (for example, the scene of a meeting between Rudin and Natalia on the bank of Avdyukhin Pond). Sometimes the image of a real reservoir, on the bank of which events take place, grows to a symbol in the course of the story. So, in "On the Eve" first describes a walk along the Tsaritsyn pond, page 3 and then the transformed image of the same pond appears in Elena's symbolic dream. Elena's dream is similar to Aratov's dream in Klara Milich. This image can be correlated with the general problems of the work; its role can be significant or episodic. Consider how it is modified in some of Turgenev's works. The problems of the story "Lull" include a picture of the life of the Russian provincial nobility, and the theme of "superfluous man", but for us the dominant theme of the story is important - the theme of love. Marya Pavlovna is a slave of love. It is no accident that she is so fascinated by Pushkin's "Anchar" ("And the poor slave died at the feet of the invincible lord"). Marya Pavlovna, unlike Liza and Elena, is not afraid to love, there is no consciousness of guilt in her, her feeling is direct and not bound by reflection. And the greater the retribution that awaits her. In "Lull", all events concerning the heroine of the story take place on the bank of a pond. There is no doubt that at the end of the story, associated with the death of the heroine, this image takes ... Read more

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The image of water space in the works of I. S. Turgenev

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