The collapse of the wave function is inevitable
The collapse of the wave function is inevitable   In 1803, Thomas Jung directed a beam of light onto an opaque screen with two slots. Instead of the expected two streaks of light on the screen, he saw several bands, as if interference of two waves of light from each slot occurred. Over the course of two centuries, many experiments have been performed that have shown that not only light, but any single elementary particle and even some molecules behave like a wave, passing through both slits simultaneously. However, if you put sensors that record the passage of particles through the slit, then the interference picture disappears. The experiment leaves two puzzles unresolved. 1. As a single particle passes through both slits simultaneously. 2. Why, when installing sensors, the interference picture disappears. For two hundred years, the best minds of physicists and mathematicians tried to solve the riddle of the collapse of the wave function. The most controversy has unfolded about the sensors of particle passage through the slit. Some romantic natures expressed the idea that observing a person over particles changes their behavior, and therefore they turn from a wave into corpuscles. But the sensor is not an observer, and the sensor by itself, through a quantum of action, turns particles from a pseudo wave into corpuscles. In our opinion, particles acquire pseudo-wave properties only in experiments. Outside of experiments, in nature particles do not possess wave properties. In experiments, particles acquire pseudo-wave properties due to the fact that particles, besides mass, have energy. A photon, for example, in addition to mass emits energy of one color or another, an electron emits an electric charge in addition to mass, and so on. Therefore, particles easily pass through two slits simultaneously, bearing in mind that the photon itself passes through one slit, and part of its energy passes through another slit. Here the effect is born when a photon interferes with ... Read more

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The collapse of the wave function is inevitable

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