The article is devoted to the study of the composition of the ancient Turkic community. The main focus is on the analysis of social terminology found in the monuments of ancient Turkic runic writing. The author comes to the conclusion that, despite the fact that the primary level of the ancient Turkic community consisted of units resembling family-related groups, the nature of intra-communal relations was not related by blood, but by territorial basis. Thus, the ancient Turkic community did not differ from the typical community of nomadic societies.
Key words: Turks, Kyrkyzy, community, monuments of ancient Turkic runic writing.
The community as an economic and social unit among the ancient Turks has not yet become the object of special research. Both the economic functions and the composition of the ancient Turkic community remain undisclosed. Among nomads, the minimal community is represented by unstable family-related groups formed from several, usually related or unrelated, but united on the basis of common interests of mutual assistance and labor cooperation of families [Masanov, 1995, p.134-141; Khazanov, 2002, p. 229, 238, 244].
To study the ancient Turkic community, we have information about the Orkhon and Yenisei Turks, which should be used cautiously, since if the former are known to have been nomads, then the economic and cultural type of the latter (Kyrkyz) is unknown. it cannot yet be considered to be accurately established (see, for example, [Khudyakov, 1984]).
Let us turn to a fragment from Chinese sources describing the funeral of a Turk. Bichurin's translation of a fragment from " Xin Tang Shu "states that the funeral of a Turk is attended by his" sons, grandsons and relatives of both sexes " (Bichurin, 1950, p.230). Translated by S. Julien, "Wei shu" means " ses fils, ses neveux, ses parents des deux sexes "("his sons, his grandsons, his parents of both sexes") [Julien, 1864, p. 333], in "Sui shu" - "ses parents et ses proches" ("his parents and re ...
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