Lermontov's characters always deeply feel and subtly understand nature, feel like a part of it, it is their refuge and recreation.
"It seems to me that he was a nature psychologist," I. Annensky said about Lermontov. - Observation of the life of his beloved nature made him look more closely and deeply into the spiritual world of a person" (I. Annensky On Lermontov's aesthetic attitude to nature //Books of Reflections, Moscow, 1979, p. 249).
Nature in Lermontov's unfinished novel "Vadim" is the background against which tragic events unfold, its description is accompanied by the emotional experiences of the characters.
"Vadim "'begins with a panorama of the monastery:" The day was fading; purple clouds, stretching across the west, barely missed the red rays that were reflected on the tiles of the towers and the bright heads of the monastery. They called for vespers... " (Quoted from: Lermontov M. Yu. Sobr. soch.: In 4 vols. Vol. 4. M.,
page 10
1976; italics are hereafter ours. - S. K.). This beginning creates an atmosphere of drama and mystery. The interior of the temple is also described in red: "the candlelight seemed dim and red"; " A lot of candles... they threw reddish rays at the towering parts of small carvings."
The majesty of the omnipresent God is embodied in the mysterious and romantic image of the church depicted against the sky: "They landed on the shore... it was very dark; the village church with its strange bell tower was drawn on the half-light sky of the west, like the shadow of a giant..."
The state of nature is described with the skill of a painter: "They called for the vigil ... the sun was low, and one half of the wall was brightly illuminated by the pink glow of the sunset..."
Favorite color in the landscape-blue: "The day was hot, the silver clouds were heavier every hour; and blue, covered with fog, already appeared in the distant sky"; "The moon, floating up in the blue sky, silvered the streams of the winding river"; " Olga often forgot her ...
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