Speech portraits in Leo Tolstoy's play " Fruits of prosveshcheniya"
The comedy "Fruits of Enlightenment"was written by Leo Tolstoy intermittently in 1886-1890. Initially, the comedy was intended for a home performance. However, in the course of his work, the writer reworked the play many times, honing its form. "This care for the perfection of form is a strange thing," he wrote in his Diary on January 21, 1890. "Not for nothing. But not for nothing when the content is good. (...) It is necessary to sharpen the work of art so that it penetrates. To sharpen it means to make it [the form] perfect artistically... "(Tolstoy L. N. Poly. collected works: In 90 volumes, Moscow, 1952, vol. 51, p. 13). In the process, Tolstoy satirically sharpened comedy. The center of it was the scenes where the attitude of the gentlemen to the peasants and the peasants to the gentlemen is shown. And this attitude is clearly expressed in the system of characters constructed by the author, and one of the means of expression is the lively speech of the characters. The characters of "Fruits of Enlightenment" are divided into two groups: people from the people and representatives of educated society, "men" and"gentlemen". These are: three men (1st, 2nd and 3rd), the steward Yakov, the maid Tanya, page 14 cook, coachman," buffet man " Semyon, etc. They are opposed by: Zvezdintsev, his wife ("lady"), their children Vasily Leonidovich (Vo-v6) and Elizaveta Leonidovna (Betsy), as well as their guests. In the first group, three men are most typical. Each has its own characteristics, which are reflected in the speech. The first man is described by the author as follows:"He went as a foreman, believes that he knows the treatment of gentlemen, and likes to listen to himself." The vocabulary of this peasant includes a set of words from the literary language, which, however,have undergone strong colloquial changes and transformations. For example, dvistitelno instead of really, khvormenno instead of formally, umstvennost, vpolmochit (authorize), akin, as well as mamzel, k ... Read more

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Speech portraits in Leo Tolstoy's play " Fruits of prosveshcheniya"

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