Space and Time in the Poetry of V. Vysotsky
Both the bottom is ice, and the top is ice - I struggle between... Time burned to the ground... V. Vysotsky Every artist has their own relationship with time. With time-epoch, time-life, that incomprehensible phenomenon, "that horror that was once called the running of time" (A. Akhmatova). With the appearance of M. M. Bakhtin's works, spatial and temporal coordinates (chronotope) are recognized as the main characteristics of a literary text. Chronotope defines the genre, is inextricably linked with the plot, the system of images and motives. At the same time, according to M. M. Bach- page 30 However, in the literature, the leading principle in the chronotope is time. Let us venture to assume that this is not always the case. An example is the poetic work of Vladimir Vysotsky, where space is, in our opinion, the determining principle. The time model revealed in Vysotsky's texts is very specific. In one of the few works devoted to this topic (Katz L. V. On the semantic structure of the Temporal Model of Vysotsky's Poetic Texts. Issue III. Vol. 2. Moscow, 1999, pp. 88-95), the author claims that " time... It doesn't matter to his [Vysotsky's] artistic world." It seems that this statement needs to be corrected. Time is present in the poetic texts of Vysotsky, but its signs, the author's attitude to it are in many ways unique. First of all, let us note Vysotsky's negative attitude to the phenomenon of time. Probably, this is the influence of the era, the historical segment during which the poet lived and wrote. In his poems, different meanings of the word time are noted. This is "epoch", "active anthropomorphic substance"," passive substance", and some others, but, as a rule, it is associated with a negative assessment, sad, painful associations. Here are the attributes of time: "mixed in blood" ("From the road diary"); "time of failures"; "difficult century" ("The Ballad of a little man"); "our everyday life - without holidays, without weekends" ("Around - the water su ... Read more

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Space and Time in the Poetry of V. Vysotsky

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