On March 23-25, 2009, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences hosted the 39th conference "Society and the State in China", which was attended by 73 specialists from various scientific and practical organizations in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Kazan and Voronezh, Latvia, as well as a scientist from China who is on an internship at Moscow State University, students of Chinese studies, in particular from the Institute of Asian and African Countries of Moscow State University. More than 40 reports were heard and discussed. The conference materials are published in the collection "XXXIX Scientific Conference" Society and the State in China "(Scientific Notes of the Department of China, Moscow: Ed. East. litry, 2009)". In the thematic plan, the participants ' attention was drawn to the problems of ideology and culture, as well as the ancient and medieval history of China. Issues related to the current situation in the country, domestic and foreign policy of the People's Republic of China were also sufficiently reflected. To a lesser extent, the problems of modern and contemporary history, as well as the country's economy, were addressed. V. G. Gelbras (ISAA MSU) in his speech spoke about the new development strategy of the country adopted at the next plenum of the CPC Central Committee, which can be described as a "catch-up development strategy" aimed at making the PRC one of the most advanced countries in the world in economic terms. The task is to establish economic cooperation between the city and the countryside in order to raise many backward agricultural regions to a modern level. However, such problems as the "aging" of the rural population, issues of registration and freedom of movement, "shadow" finances and operations with them remain unresolved. The measures taken by the authorities - issuing state loans to farmers, controlling employment, and others-have a positive effect. V. P. Kurbatov (IB RAS) noted that China is curren ... Read more

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