Berlin: Christof Links, 2010. 500 S.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the territorial division of the world between the European powers was completed. Not the least and even the leading place in this process was occupied by Germany, whose colonial policy at the end of the XIX century. entered a new stage of its evolution. German historiography has achieved significant results in developing the problems of German foreign policy related to the European direction. In this regard, we can highlight the research of Hans Fenske, Hans-Ulrich Wehler, and Jorg Fish. However, the topic of colonial policy in the African and Asian regions remained secondary for a long time. Changes in the direction of research have occurred in recent decades, when the works of, for example, George Balander, Horst Dreschler, Isabel Huhl appeared.
A significant achievement of the modern historiography of colonialism can be considered the book of the German researcher Susanna Kuss. Her monograph, due to its novelty and relevance, has become a notable event in the scientific community. The author, on the one hand, summarized the existing material on the history of colonial wars, and on the other hand, analyzed their little-studied aspects. The paper, for example, examined the Maji-Maji war in East Africa, which also had a colonial connotation.
S. Kuss in his monograph does not seek to study colonial wars in general. According to her, the purpose of the study is to analyze the types and causes of violence committed in three" major "colonial wars: the" Boxer rebellion " in China (1900-1901), the Herero-Nama War in German Southeast Africa (1904-1907) and the Maji-Maji War in East Africa (1905-1908). The author's position is quite reasonable that not only the motives and intentions, but also the mental and mental predispositions of military personnel became the causes of violent actions in the colonial wars. It is incontrovertible that any war, including a colonial one, is an act of violence; its p ...
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