On January 25, 2010, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences hosted a scientific conference " Problems of International Relations in the East (dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the world - famous Oriental scholar G. L. Bondarevsky)", organized by the Regional Security and International Relations Section of the Institute. The conference was attended by researchers, teachers of higher educational institutions, diplomats, journalists, as well as G. L. Bondarevsky's daughter E. G. Bondarevskaya and his grandson Grigory. About 20 people made presentations. A wide range of issues related to the rich scientific heritage of G. L. Bondarevsky and the further development of the problems he studied and the ideas he put forward by his numerous students were discussed. Opening the conference, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. V. Naumkin said that the current conference is dedicated to the bright memory of the outstanding Russian orientalist G. L. Bondarevsky, who tragically died in 2003. Grigory Lvovich scrupulously studied the archives, restoring on their basis unknown pages of the history of the struggle of great powers for influence in the Near and Middle East, in South and East Asia. The fundamental monographs published by G. L. Bondarevsky brought him worldwide fame. He wrote about prominent figures in the East, many of whom he knew personally, including Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi. The scientific heritage of G. L. Bondarevsky deserves careful study. A. M. Khazanov (Institute of International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences) in his report "G. L. Bondarevsky's outstanding contribution to the study of the history of international relations in the East" analyzed such fundamental works of the scientist as "English Politics and international relations in the Persian Gulf basin (late XIX-early XX centuries)" (Moscow, 1968), " Kuwait in International Relations (late ... Read more

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