Once again about the miner
In the middle of the 19th century, the word miner was not yet used in Russian. According to Spassky's Mining Dictionary, the following names were used to refer to people who work in the mine: berggauer, bergayer, gorosechets, miner, mining worker, miner (Mining Dictionary compiled by Grigory Spassky, Ober-Berghauptman of the 5th class... Moscow, 1841-1843. Part 1-3). In modern Russian, there is a tendency to give names to professions by place of work, and the word miner is firmly established in our speech. It appeared, apparently, at the very end of the XIX century. One of the first uses of this word in fiction is found in V. V. Veresaev's short story "On the Dead Road" (1898): "I took him for a mechanic, but then I found out that he was a simple miner." Unfortunately, the story does not mark the place of stress in the word we are interested in, but we can assume that it fell not on the suffix, as in modern Russian, but on the root. It was in this form that this noun was recorded in 1909 in the third edition of V. I. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary, edited by I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay: "Miner M., worker in the mines". This form was also presented as the main one in M. Fasmer's Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language, published in 1958 in Germany. It is she who opens the dictionary entry: "Miner" miner, miner", also a miner, e.g. Voronezh. "(Vasmer M. Russisches etimologisches Worterbuch. Heidelberg, 1958. Bd. III). Thus, for M. Fasmer, who was born and raised in St. Petersburg, but after the revolution found himself abroad and spent most of his life there, the leading variant was shakhter, while the form shakhter seemed to him dialect. Nevertheless, it turned out to be more promising. It was first cited by P. E. Stoyanov in the " Short Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language "in 1913, and it was finally fixed as a literary one in 1940 by the" Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language " by D. N. Ushakov. The old form with the accent on the root wa ... Read more

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