1. Home Home is one of the most important cultural concepts in the human mind. Metaphorical representation of social realities and processes as a house (including its construction, repair, and destruction) is one of the most traditional images for political speech. Thus, N. D. Arutyunova notes: "Since the time of Marx, it has become customary to think of society as a building, a structure. This metaphor allows us to distinguish the basis (foundation), various structures (infrastructures, superstructures), bearing supports, blocks, hierarchical ladders in society" (Teoriya metaphora, Moscow, 1990, pp. 14-15). The conceptual sphere of "Home" has all the necessary conditions for metaphorical expansion. First, this area is well known to every person, it is structured in detail, all its frames have a high associative potential and are in the circle of natural," eternal " interests of a person. Secondly, it is an area with a high emotional potential: the father's house, the parent's house, one's own home, the household, the family hearth, family life, home improvement and even pets-all these images can awaken good feelings. Third, the concept of "House" has a very detailed network of elements of internal organization: for the Russian consciousness, a house is a building, housing for a single family, and a family as such, and many peripheral components that are usually reflected in dictionaries as shades of meaning. Fourth, the home is the main, most natural and comfortable sphere of existence of a person and his family. A person goes to work or to visit, but in the evening hurries to his house. Of his own free will or forced by circumstances, he goes to foreign lands, but dreams of returning home. And it is quite natural that the native city and even the native country can be perceived as a space around the native home. Let us consider the features of structuring the initial conceptual domain for the conceptual metaphor "Home" in the political sphere. page 38 1. "House co ... Read more

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