From September 15 to 19, 2014, the XXIV Scientific Conference " Man and Nature. Problems of Socio-Natural History", organized by the journal "History and Modernity", the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Ecological Soil Science of Moscow State University, the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Central Museum of Taurida, the Karadag Nature Reserve, the Sudak City Council with the participation of the V. I. Vernadsky Federal University and the Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University. Three collections of articles were published for the conference: Kulpin E. S. Crimean Tatars and Challenges of the XXI century. Collection of articles. Simferopol: TI "ARIAL", 2014; Kulpin-Gubaidullin E. S. Sotsioestvennaya istoriya [Socio-natural history]. From method to theory, from theory to practice. Volgograd: Uchitel ' Publ., 2014; Priroda i obshchestvo v epokhu peremeniy [Nature and society in the era of change]. Ed. by E. S. Kulpin-Gubaidullin (ser. "Socio-natural history. Genesis of Natural and Social Crises in Russia". Issue XXXVIII). Moscow: Energiya Publ., 2014 (co-editor: E. A. Borisova). At the request of the city administration, the grand opening of the conference was held in the Sudak City Council. The organizing committee accepted more than 50 reports written by historians, sociologists, biologists, philosophers, psychologists, mathematicians, and physicists. Most of the reports corresponded to the authors 'articles published in the journal" History and Modernity "in 2013-2014 and the collection of the series" Socio-natural History "for 2014" Nature and Society in the era of change". Traditionally, published materials are not read out, but discussed. This includes articles written by participants who, for one reason or another, did not have the opportunity to attend the conference in person. This system allows speakers to focus on the main points and detailed explanations of illustrative m ... Read more

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