There is a unique civilization in the world (Chinese), which, developing a systematic reflection on the ways of forming concepts characteristic of it, as well as on the deductive reasoning techniques that correspond to these methods, has formed a system of corresponding logical and methodological views on a fundamentally different linguistic basis than in other civilizations that created logic. While ancient Greece and India, the founders of the original logical traditions, share the same Indo-European linguistic foundation, the edifice of Chinese logical and methodological thought was built on a completely different linguistic foundation. The most significant feature of this otherness is the primordial difference between phonetic and ideographic writing that separates Indo-European and Chinese civilizations. This linguistic fact only most clearly reflected that radically different from the Western (in particular, ancient) attitude of consciousness, which contributed to the formation in China of a style of thinking radically different from the Western one. Later, at the level of theoretical reflection, this attitude was materialized in the exceptional originality of the very type of theorizing characteristic of Chinese logical and methodological thought. First of all, this is reflected in the striking dissimilarity of theoretically conscious ways of forming concepts with the standard European interpretation of concepts. The peculiarity of Chinese logical and methodological techniques begins with a very special interpretation of concepts. Since the meaning of concepts is in the generalization of the individual, the ways in which concepts are formed are determined by the nature of the generalization used. The specificity of the Chinese generalization lies in the fact that it is based not on the intuition of a class (sets, aggregates, etc.), but on the idea of construction1. The obvious (but far from the only) basis of this Chinese attitude to the constructibility of o ... Read more

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