In B. L. Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago", a special type of roll calls is distinguished, which can be conventionally designated as a variation of a group of motifs. The characters of" Doctor Zhivago " get into situations, perform actions, experience feelings, etc., similar to the situations, actions, feelings described in any classical text. At the same time, as a rule, there may be no similarity in the characters ' characters, there is no obligatory sequence in the "inheritance" of situations and actions by certain characters, motives can be redistributed between them, repeated, split up, combined, varied, "turned over". Often a single incident could not be considered a reference to this particular novel, if there were not many similar references to the same source nearby. In our opinion, when varying the group of motifs of a classical source, it is precisely the dissimilarity of the characters ' characters that is of fundamental importance, since it is consistent with the poet's idea of the eternity of life, of its constant repetition and change, with what Pasternak defined as "a sense of coherence of human existences, confidence in their transition from one to another" (Pasternak B. L. Doctor Zhivago, Moscow, 2003. Part I. Chapter 7; further - only part and chapter). Let us turn to the parallels between Doctor Zhivago and Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, which are grouped around the images of Lara and Dunya. The proper name of another character can serve as a signal for searching for similarities: Lara Guichard, like Dunya Raskolnikova, has a brother named Rodion (Rodya, page 29 Rodka ). This name, which is rather strange for the Franco-Belgian Guichard family, is strongly associated with "Crime and Punishment" in a Russian person, which has already been noticed by researchers (I. V. Kondakov, I. P. Smirnov, N. A. Fateeva, etc.). In this connection, N. A. Fateeva draws an analogy of Lara's shot at Komarovsky with the situation when Dunya shoots ... Read more

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