V. V. Orlov's novel "Violist Danilov" is riddled with references to literary texts, with a very wide range from the Gospel to opera librettos and popular songs in the 70s. An important layer of sources - works of Russian classical literature of the XIX century. We analyzed the references contained in the text of the novel to the poems of M. Y. Lermontov "Demon", "Azrael" and "Angel of Death", considered in detail the episode of the quarrel and duel between Danilov and Karmadon (Sukhanova I. A. Intertextual connections of V. Orlov's novel "Violist Danilov" / / Language of Russian literature of the XX century: Collection of articles. Yaroslavl. 2001) from the point of view of references to episodes of textbook works of Russian literature and their transformation in a new text, contributing to the creation of a comic effect, more complete identification of the characters ' characters, highlighting their essence.
In Orlov's work, the polemic with T. Mann's novel "Doctor Faustus" is obvious, the chapter of which contains a demonstrative reference to the episode with the Devil in F. M. Dostoevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov" - to the IX chapter of the eleventh book " The Devil. The nightmare of Ivan Fyodorovich".
The devil appears to Ivan Karamazov in a nightmare as a figment of his sick imagination. Mephistopheles ' grandnephew Karmadon visits Danilov's violist in reality and exists independently of his imagination; Danilov, himself half a demon, once exiled "to Earth, to people", receives Karmadon on Earth by order of the "Nine Layers": "to Earth on a premium ticket" from the Office
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Danilov's classmate at the Karmadon Lyceum is going to enjoy two weeks of vacation." Karmadon's main residence is the Nine Layers, or Ether: "And the mischievous Karmadon <...> after all, it was with a gray cap that he could have emerged from the ether and in a different form" (Quoted from: Orlov V. V. Violist Danilov, Moscow, 1993. The italics are ours. - I. S.). The ether is al ...
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