One of the important directions in modern historical and archaeological research is the study of the problems of medieval history, culture and art of the ancient Turks. Attention to this issue is due to the special role played by the ancient Turkic ethnic group and the state formations created by it in the ethno-cultural history of the Turkic peoples of Eurasia. In studying the problems of the genesis, development and influence of the ancient Turkic cultures on other nomadic and settled peoples of the Eurasian continent in the early Middle Ages, the main attention of researchers was paid to the monuments of the Eastern Turks, since they own the most significant memorial complexes and monuments of ancient Turkic runic writing. To a lesser extent, the complexes of the ancient Turkic culture in the western area of its distribution were studied, where after the collapse of the unified ancient Turkic state - the first Turkic khaganate, associations of Western Turks and Turkeshs existed for several centuries. At the same time, if ancient Turkic cultural monuments were excavated on the territory of Central Asia, they were often interpreted on the basis of materials obtained during the study of ancient Turkic complexes in the Sayan-Altai and Mongolia. In recent decades, due to a significant increase in interest in the history of the ancient Turks in the independent states of Central Asia, the situation has changed significantly. In Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, large-scale targeted research of monuments of ancient Turkic culture is conducted, and fundamental scientific works are regularly published, which introduce the results of the latest scientific research into scientific circulation. One of the notable events in the study of the history and culture of the ancient Turks was the international scientific conference " Kazakhstan: Past, Present, Future (Western Turkic Khaganate)", held in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, on December 12, 2008. The conference was held at the P ... Read more

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