Image techniques in N. V. Gogol's novella "Nevsky Prospekt"
In the arsenal of Gogol's visual means, the use of contrast is very significant. It is used in the composition of works, their language and style, and characterization of characters. "The true effect," Gogol wrote in an article on architecture, " is in the sharp contrast; beauty is never so bright and visible as in contrast. The contrast is only bad when it has a rough taste or, better to say, a perfect lack of taste, but, being at the mercy of a subtle, high taste, it is the first condition of everything and acts exactly on everyone" (Gogol N. V. Poln. sobr. soch.: In 14 vols. Moscow, 1952. Vol. VIII. p. 64; further-only volume and page). Already "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka" represent a kind of combination of various contrasting principles: real and ideal, history and modernity, funny and sad. We will show the use of contrast techniques using the example of the story "Nevsky Prospekt". The presence of a handwritten text allows you to look into the creative laboratory of the writer, to trace, in particular, how in the process of finalizing the work, he strengthened the contrasting juxtaposition of characters, increased the expressiveness of the style. Pushkin called " Nevsky Prospekt "" the most complete "of Gogol's works that appeared before" The Inspector General", referring to the breadth with which reality is reflected in the story. "Nevsky Prospekt" is two love stories (by the artist Piskarev and Lieutenant Pirogov) related to the main street of St. Petersburg. The characters ' personalities are sharply opposed. Piskarev is poor, modest, and occupies an insignificant place in society. He is not attracted to either official success or wealth. A man of pure and noble soul, he is completely immersed in his art and creativity, passionately in love with beauty. It is the highest for him page 11 value. In the human personality, beauty, according to the artist, is inseparable from inner purity and nobility. However, the cruel truth of life breaks his dreams of ha ... Read more

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Image techniques in N. V. Gogol's novella "Nevsky Prospekt"

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