I MUST BE A CICERO! About the culture of speech in business communication
For a business person, communication is not only a luxury - in the words of A. Saint - Exupery, but also an everyday production necessity. Therefore, the communicative culture, that is, the culture of communication, is of paramount importance for him. It provides a comfortable existence among other people, and facilitates the solution of purely professional tasks, guaranteeing business success. After all, the meaning of human communication is primarily the exchange of information that is so important for a businessman, entrepreneur, manager, etc. In economically developed countries, the presence or absence of a high communication culture serves as a criterion for hiring employees for senior positions: each candidate appears before a reputable commission that takes the time to comprehensively evaluate how applicants for the position talk to visitors, whether they are impeccable in terms of etiquette requirements, whether they are aesthetic in everything, even cufflinks. But the main thing is whether the subjects know the norms of their native language, whether they are able to use all the richness of its means to achieve goals in various communication situations. Speech culture is not only an essential component of good professional training of business people, but also an indicator of the culture of thinking, as well as the general culture of partners, which accurately characterizes everyone. Special attention should be paid to the oral form of speech, which accounts for 75 percent of all communication time. Moreover, the pronunciation patterns learned by a person in early childhood are among the most stable and least controlled speech skills. For this reason, even those who have lived in Moscow, with its generally recognized orthoepic standards, all their adult life since their student days, cannot get rid of the provincial pronunciation color without a special correction course. Natives of the southern regions retain, for example, the labial-labial v (us dela) and ... Read more

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I MUST BE A CICERO! About the culture of speech in business communication

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