The book of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences I. A. Malevich, who worked for a number of years in China and Kazakhstan, could not but arouse the interest of international specialists. One can only welcome the author's desire to "introduce the reader to the new, modern China and the methods that are used in this country in building the state of the XXI century" (p. 3). However, one gets the impression that the relevance of the problem is the only advantage of this work. Reviewing a book is very difficult: it is replete with a huge number of errors, almost every paragraph of it requires refutation or clarification, many of the author's postulates are so illogical that it is simply impossible to object to him. Therefore, due to the limited possibilities of the review, we will point out only the most obvious and gross mistakes made by I. A. Malevich in covering the Chinese past and present. The first thing you notice is the complete arbitrariness in the spelling of Chinese names and geographical names. Thus, Mao Zedong is referred to by the author as Mao Zedong (p. 35), Zhou Enlai as Jo Enlai (p. 57), Jiang Zemin as Jiang Zemin (p. 35) and Qian Zemin (p. 131), Wu Bangguo as Wu Bangguo (p. 84), etc. The current Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, Zhu Rongji, was particularly unlucky: I. A. Malevich calls him Zu Rongi (p.39), although when he was an economic adviser to the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the People's Republic of China, he should have worked primarily with Zhu Rongji's department. It is also surprising that, having worked as Charge d'affaires of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Kazakhstan, I. A. Malevich calls the President of this country Kim Dae-jung Kim Dae-jung (p. 104). The situation is no better in the book with writing geographical names. Thus, the city of Tianjin is mentioned by the author as Tianjin (p. 4) and Tianjin (p. 100); the famous Shenzhen (p. 84, 112), the provinces of Guangdong (p. 1 ... Read more

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