This expression is often found in the media. Its equivalent is the Latin phrase hic et nunc. But the external form may hide quite difficult ways of the appearance of a word (phrase) in the Russian language. Latin hic et nunc in the Middle Ages was used in Europe mainly in scientific texts (philosophy, scholasticism, rhetoric), the language of which was Latin. The origin of the expression is connected with the rhetorical tradition: if an ancient orator wanted to interest the listener, emphasize his active role, make him an accomplice, then he used this phrase, combining the adverb of the place hic (here) and the time nunc (now). It was the logical inconsistency of two heterogeneous concepts that attracted and sharpened the attention of the listener. Obviously, the use of Romanism in the early 19th century by Balzac (1833) and Stendhal (1836) was intended to enhance the artistic effect of their texts. It seems that these are the first cases of using the Latin phrase in Modern literature. This barbarism came to the Russian language together with the translations of Balzac, whose texts in the 30s and early 40s of the XIX century were very popular in Russia and were often translated. Unlike Russian, in English this expression became known only in the 30s of the XX century. However, in English, the semantic tracing paper here and now has been used instead since 1829. She first met in the works of the American writer W. H. Whyte (W. H. Whyte) and remained in Russia for a long time- page 121 in a stylistic sense, official or literary. Actually, the English synonyms for the Latin phrase were: at this time "at this moment, moment", the present time "this moment, now", this time and place "at this time and in this place", immediately "immediately, immediately", right away "in one minute, immediately". Tracing paper from Latin has become more active in English since the 20-30s of the XX century. But in the last few decades, the life of this phrase has changed radically: it has ... Read more

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