Criticism and bibliography. Reviews Uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov [Textbook for universities], Moscow: Akademicheskiy proekt; Gaudeamus Publ., 2004, 576 p. Against the background of a large number of publications with the word "ethnology" in the title, published in the last decade in Russian, it is nice to finally see a work written by a professional. The reviewed work, however, is not just written by a professional, but is truly unique in itself, since it represents the only historiographic body of knowledge about the German ethnological discipline in Russian science. If the title of the book is chosen correctly from a historiographical point of view, it does not give a complete picture of the breadth of coverage of the material. The research is devoted not only to German, but also to German-speaking ethnology in general. As the author warns, " in accordance with the long-standing tradition that still persists in German-speaking countries, the regional definition of ethnology is based mainly on the linguistic principle." This means that "this science is called German ethnology in Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland" (p. 5). The work, therefore, does not end with a historiographical analysis of science in the formal framework of Germany as a state in its current borders, but is a comprehensive study of the broader German-speaking scientific tradition in the complex context of its historical development. A valuable and informative (in my opinion, too brief) preface explains to the layman and reminds the specialist that the terms ethnology, ethnography, and folk studies carry different historiographical and conceptual loads and cannot always be used interchangeably in the parallels between domestic and foreign scientific traditions. The book is entirely devoted to the study of the tradition of ethnology1 . Despite the rather traditional construction of the book for the historiographic genre by periods, scientists and scientific directions, it becomes clea ... Read more

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