Several million people who found themselves in a foreign land after the revolution of 1917 and the civil war were put in a situation of self-identification and self-identification.determining their place in the life of their host countries. Therefore, it is clear that the terms emigration, emigrant and other related concepts played a very prominent role in the language of refugees. Especially the first and second "waves of emigration", which occurred in 1918 - mid and late 1920s, sought to define the content of these concepts. Hence the linguistic features of the functioning of the words emigrant, emigration and their derivatives in the emigrant language. And this is understandable: reality determines the real life of concepts and words. A huge number of newspapers and magazines published by emigrants were an excellent "testing ground" for developing and polishing new content, meaning in the concept of "emigrant". From this point of view, the use of the words emigrant, emigration in the pages of the emigrant press (journalism) is of particular interest, since it was the newspapers that instantly reacted to the slightest semantic or pragmatic fluctuation in the use of these concepts.
The term emigration is one of the most frequent terms in emigrant journalism. However, the historical associations of this concept with the French Revolution of 1789, from the point of view of emigrants, are only external, superficial, rooted in the similarity of the name, but in terms of content, such a comparison is hardly appropriate: "Russian' emigration ' has no precedent in world history. It is most often compared to the French of the late eighteenth century - and, of course,there are some similarities between the two phenomena...
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Individually, there is very little in common between the modern Russian "refugee" and the French emigre "(Vladimir Nabokov. Us and Them).
The word is used both in free form and with its own definitions (which is much more common in newspaper texts ...
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